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Koustav's words made Ria shocked. Nilima was obviously not ready for such an answer from Koustav. Mita and Sumit continued to wrap and fold the clothes.Koustav returned to the table to resume his eating. Ria needed to put some more medicines on her blisters. Inspite of Mita's forbiding, Titli went near Ria and whispered something.

Koustav noticed how Titli followed Ria upstairs. Niloy was crying for some reason so Namit and Nilima went to their room as well.

Reaching upstairs,Titli sat on the bed. While Ria searched and applied the medicines, Titli sat quietly. Titli's being mum felt odd to her. She sat beside too and asked her what "Important Thing" she had to say.

Titli started saying about her classmate.  Ria felt amused when she got to know how a boy of her class had confessed that he had started liking her. She patiently listened to the whole thing. In her mind ,she was thinking what to tell her and if Koustav should be informed about this!

When Titli's rambling stopped,she looked at Ria with expecting eyes.It was crystal clear that Titli was convinced with the words of that boy. She might have liked him too.Ria kept the medicine on the bedside table and patted her hand. " Studies come first at your age. Don't think that I'm prohibiting you from doing anything. But think properly before doing anything. Plus, I'm always here to hear and help you. You have all of us."

Hearing her words, Titli got closer and hugged her."Promise me Ria Di, you won't say anything to Dada....he is very strict." Smiling Ria asked,"How did you know that?".

Titli started to say something, "So,where do you want to sleep tonight?", suddenly Koustav's voice startled them. Seeing Koustav's face,Ria guessed that he had overheard some parts of their conversation.

"Near Jemma(Mita)" ,Titli said and ran downstairs.Koustav huffed and closed the door half.He took up the bottle,sat on the bed and started gulping down the water.

Ria:How much did you hear?

Koustav: Doesn't matter. Start from the beginning.

Ria: A boy in her class told her that he likes her.

Koustav: In which class are they ?

(Rolling her eyes)Ria: The fact that matters right now is ,she is in her teens. Kids tend to get rebellious if you try to stop them directly.

Koustav was clearly not happy at all after hearing her.

Koustav: What should we do then? Only watch her do whatever she wants and things that only speed up spoiling her career?

Ria: I was in my teens too when I started liking you.Did it spoil my career or future!

Saying these words ,she told herself, "Thats why you should not talk that spontaneously! Now he will laugh and you yourself will be more embarassed!"

Koustav stopped for a while and looked at her.

Koustav: If I had known about you, I might have stopped you too. Things like these at this age only comes with sadness. Look at your case. Were you not in pain? That too unnecessary pain!

Ria: Don't say about anything that you don't know fully.Nothing was deliberate.Nothing was unnecessary.I loved you, that was not a choice.

These last lines made Koustav a little relaxed.

Koustav: Loved? That means, you don't love me anymore!

And he laughed! Ria sat there seeing him. She smiled and decided to leave this topic right there.

Ria: You know that already. And that reminds me of one thing, don't say just anything in order to stop Nilima aunty.

Koustav: What did I tell her, now?

Ria: you know that.

Koustav: What if I want to get reminded?

Ria: I thought that it was a sensitive topic for you. Does she know about Rik?

Koustav: No. But what is the connection between what I said regarding kids and Rik?

Ria: Will we be that flexible and close to each other? And since I've known about Rik, I feel like not pushing you anymore.

Koustav: Rik will be always my first child. Your this quality amazes me everytime. And no one knows what future will offer us.

Will you eat here? Or come downstairs.

Ria did not felt like going downstairs. Getting this from her expression, Koustav gave her some alone time and went downstairs to tell his mother so she sents their food upstairs.

After half an hour, Binni arrived with two plates. Ria told her to keep both inside her room and call Koustav from the room beside.

She went to wash her hands. Coming out of the washroom , she saw Koustav sitting on the chair with his dish on the bed and talking to someone over phone.

Seeing her getting out, he gestured her to start eating. Soon his call ended .

Ria had less apetite due to those bread pakoras. She just chewing and gulping them down her food with water.

Koustav: You remember! I asked you to come to a party.

Ria: ye..yeah! During my exams, you were saying . When is it?

Koustav: This sunday.

Ria: With this hand, how will I manage?

Koustav: Don't worry, there is no strict dresscode. You can wear whatever you want. So just relax right now.

Humming an ok, Ria finished rest of her food.

Koustav kept the plates down. It was getting quite late,still he was sitting in her room. He was smoking looking outside. At this time of night,the road that was seen from the balcony seemed very charming yet mysterious.

"Do you still get those nightmares?",Ria's question made him look at her direction.

Rubbing the butt of the cigarette on the wooden railings, Koustav came inside the room ,"I have started to think of my family, you and Rik before I go to sleep,these days.It may sound selfish to others, but my mind has accepted that Nikita is not going to comeback ever. Someone had given me the number of a  healer, long ago. He has helped me take this baby steps towards my new life,probably a better one with you."

Very calmly Ria asked ," Do I know this person too?"

Koustav smiled and took Tuhin's name.
Then he said,"On our wedding night, remember I slept in his room? He might have kept a card along with a letter on my wedding Kurta!"

"What was there? Can I see it?",Ria asked.

"No.....just know that what he wrote there were a much needed thing for me to do or know in life",closing the balcony door, he replied.

"When did you read it?"she couldn't control herself.

"Some days before you met Rik."

Though Ria had no child of her own. But since she had known about Rik, she felt like she too had a child. Never once, a pinch of jealousy or hatred towards this child came to her mind.

"Okay, then I'll have to go for shopping for your office party. When will you have time for that?" Ria asked as Koustav was leaving her room.

Turning back, Koustav chuckled and said,"Tomorrow!6:30 then."

Ria nodded and closed her door as he entered his own room. Somehow, her mind had started longing to stay with Koustav all the time.

She was combing her hair while her phone beeped as a message from Koustav arrived saying,"Good night! Don't think too much about me😉. Love you."

Replying "Love you too",Ria thanked God for this day and went to sleep.


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The next update will be on the next week. Thanks for waiting and all your good wishes.🐼

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