Selene and Persephone

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Hades hadn't returned to underworld since past two days and I was panicking. He never does that... Was he still angry from me? I was waiting by the doors all night but he never showed up.

Dad told me that it's his duty to ensure the working of world and it is not an issue if he disappears for some days but my conscience screamed otherwise because duty I can completely understand, what was beyond comprehension is that he did not informed me previously.

Since the day I am together with him, Hades had not even once done so and right now too something was just not right, I could feel it in my bones.

I will go to find him. It was the first time our mind links were separated, an hour ago they just closed off.. I could feel his heartbeat but not his least earlier I knew he was safe. I am losing my mind.

I need to go right now.

"My Queen" a demon warrior called out.


"Eros wants to enter underworld. He wants to meet you."My blood boiled with rage, wasn't last time enough to deliver his message.

"What does he wants?"

"Queen he said he knows the place King Hades is at." My ears perked up at that. Even if the god of lust and love was not aware I would still try.

"Let him enter." the soldier looked like he was appalled to do that but complied nevertheless.

I walked to the throne sitting on it. I will not let Hades out of my sight once he gets home. A feeling of dread and apprehension filled my veins and I prayed that he was alright.

The throne was a symbolic of the stability of Underworld, I cannot let a god see that right now the situation was somewhat out of our hands.

"Queen Persephone." Eros called out.

"Quit your games Lord Eros, where is my mate?"

"Well, well impatient aren't we."

I bared my teeth at him, my canines elongating. His eyes widened as he took several steps back but the expression was soon morphed into a smile.
"Impatient as well as lethal."

"Where is my King?"

"Starlight Palace" I froze...why would Hades go to Selene's palace, it wasn't safe.

"Tell me the truth and I will give you whatever you want or keep telling me lies and I will bury you alive."

Eros swirled his fingers, a blue pool of smoke forming.

"See for yourself."

I quickly came down the stairs standing beside the God of love, my heart painfully clenched at the scene displayed.

Indeed he was there, Selene sitting on his lap, as he stroke her hair. She bent down kissing his neck and instead of pushing him away his hands tightened around her.

I closed my eyes feeling Hades' emotions and they opened with unfanthomable rage flowing.

"Take me there now! "

"Even after all this you want to go?" Eros eyed me suspiciously but as I glared at him, he complied. "Persephone, you see with your eyes but the moment you feel with your heart is what one should follow.

Behind every smile is darkness and behind every tear is a web of lies. Be aware." The god warned me in a serious tone making me look at him in wonder.

Who was Eros?

Blue smoke engulfed us only to be parted seconds later. One moment I was in our palace and the very next I was standing, in front of Selene herself. She smirked leaning into Hades chest more.

"Hades" I whispered and his eyes flew open, watching me with a second of dilemma but then they widened, pushing Selene out of his hold, scrambling away.

I made my way standing right in front of the moon goddess...the one I worshipped once. I lowered my face to her level before baring my fangs, mu claws elongating to take a swipe at her neck making blood draw out.

"Impudent!" She seethed as I lowered myself to her level, maintaining eye contact. Her form changed from an angelic goddess to dark black covering her skin, the claw marks healed the very next moment.

"Where is Hades?"
"Persephone let me explain." A voice eerily similar to his called.

"You part is done here now before I crush your head get out of here Lord Dolus..... god of trickery I fuck off"

He looked taken aback for a second but a smirk made it's way to his lips.
"You are King Hades' mate indeed. I wish the circumstances in which we met were different Queen."

"Dolus! Eros!" Selene cried out.

"No hard feelings Persephone." Dolus disappeared ignoring the moon goddess wailing on the floor. Hard that I have already accumulated them, they aren't going away so soon.

"Persephone-" Eros was standing there, his eyes showing undecipherable emotions as he tried to stop me.

"I am asking this last time Selene....where is my mate." A loud laughter resonated in the hall boucing off the walls.

"He must be somewhere in there, you should go." Eros stood between me and Selene, making me step back and look at both of them.

Hades was indeed here somewhere, I could feel it but Dolus played to not let me come across my mate.

"You mate is in my bed, asleep, last night was quite tiring." a ferocious growl escaped my lips.
"You are going to regret this Persephone."

"CERBERUS!" Selene's eyes widened as Cerberus stepped out of the portal, the protector of Underworld howled with fury shaking the whole castle. His three heads breathing fire, eyes hard, unyielding.

"Lock her in the dungeon."

"You cannot take her away."

"I am showing mercy Eros! its enough for today. If you really care for her so much then let her be."
Cerberus dragged her away inside the black smoke as she kept screaming and Eros too went with them.

I closed my eyes following each and every of my instinct to reach Hades. After turning around several times I finally stood in front of majestic gates which opened on there own.

"Hades!" He was on the bed, lying inside.



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