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i. mother, mother !


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DANIEL EVANS HAD NEVER OFFICIALLY MET ISABELLA SWAN. He'd heard about her from Tony, and seen pictures of her, but they had never actually spoken.

But her strikingly pale face, and dark hair was oddly familiar to Danny. After living in a room with the girl's brother for so long, he could pick out all the similarities in Bella's face.

He wished he didn't say anything, as soon as he did.

"What about Bella?" Anthony had sat up on the bed, a rush in his tone and quick movements as he set his box of take out on the table and ripped off the towel that had hung loosely around his neck.

"Tony, be careful." Reyes warned with a mouthful of food.

Danny stepped back into the room and leaned against the wall, pulling out his phone and dialling a number at lightening speed.

"Bella?" Tony leaned forward and out into the hall, ignoring the pain in his chest and the fact that he hadn't been hooked up to an oxygen tank all day.

Anthony didn't get to see Bella, as she got taken into another room, but he saw Carlisle's head of blond hair and he knew that everything hadn't gone according to plan.

"Carlisle!" Anthony called, weaving between a few rushing nurses.

The Cullen seemed to look down in disappointment before turning to face Tony with a guilty expression.

He didn't want to talk with Anthony, and have to face the boy's distress and his own guilt at the idea that they couldn't protect Bella to the best of their abilities like they had promised.

But when Tony got closer, Carlisle was intensely surprised when the boy wrapped his arms around the vampire's waist in a tight hug.

"Is everyone okay?" Tony asked.

It took a moment for him to respond as Carlisle's own arms wound around the boy's shoulders.

"We will be." Carlisle smiled bittersweetly, laying his chin against the top of Anthony's head.

BELLA SWAN'S INJURIES WERE LESS THAN WHAT ANTHONY HAD EXPECTED. Especially after he'd heard the whole story.

How his sister survived getting thrown across a room.

How his sister survived a vicious attack.

WAY DOWN WE GO ⇀ ( JASPER HALE ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now