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I barged into his office.

"I thought I told you I didn't wish to be disturbed, Miss Ash" he said neutrally, not even looking at me.

"You kissed me" I said.

He sighed and looked up "I did"

"And then you left me"

"I did"

I stared at him, and he stared right back at me before going back to what he was doing.

"Is that all, Miss Ash? I have things to do"

I opened my mouth but clamped it shut, I didn't want to lose this job. I walked out, closing the door behind me.

Okay that was wrong. Really wrong. I can't have anything other than a professional relationship with him. That was how Mark and I started and look how that ended.

The elevator slid open and the same woman that had visited Adrian a few days ago walked out. 

And she had come out pulling her skirt down.

She didn't speak to me, just threw me a smirk and continued to Adrian's door.

"Excuse me?"

She paused and then looked over her shoulder at me as if she couldn't believe I was talking to her.

"Yeah, sorry but Mr. Webber doesn't want to be disturbed right now"

She scoffed and turned fully to me. She walked slowly towards me and stuck a bright red acrylic nail in my face "Little girl" she started in a sickenly sweet voice  "Don't ever in your life speak to me again. Now, be a dear and tell Adrian I'm here"

Oh. My. God. Who did this plastic surgery Frankenstein think she was talking to?

So, I did the same thing any reasonable person would do. I grabbed her hand and broke the nail right off and then I pulled her hair and bent her backwards so I could look right into her face instead of up at her as I'd been forced to.

"Listen here Frankie, don't you ever speak to me that way. Are we clear?"

"Get off me you psycho!"

"What the hell is g-" Adrian shut up when he saw the scene before him.

I looked down at the lady and bit my lip. Okay this had to look really bad.

Yell at him for kissing me and leaving and then attack his booty call.

"Olivia! What the fuck is going on here?! Let Diane go!"

I reluctantly released her hair and she stumbled away from me, going to hug Adrian before turning and glowering at me.

He kissed her temple "Diane, please go and wait for me in my office."

She shot me a smug look before throwing her hair over her shoulder and with the little dignity she had left, walked into his office.

He watched her until she disappeared from his line of sight before turning his attention back to me. "Miss Ash"

He was calm. Really calm. He walked slowly towards me and the look in his eyes made me feel as if I was prey and he was the big bad wolf. "I know just the thought of me drenches your panties b-"

"You overestimate yourself sir" I spat. Why did I feel as if I was lying to my self?

He smirked, raising an eyebrow "Are you sure?"

He was now standing right in front of me. So close we were practically breathing the same air.

He lowered his face slowly, still maintaining eye contact with me. His warm breath trailed from my ear down to my neck. I couldn't help the electricity that ran through me.

And then his soft lips began to suck at the soft spot right behind my earlobe. I threw my head back and couldn't help the small gurgle of pleasure that came from my throat.

And then the warmth suddenly disappeared. The goat was already on his way to his office. He turned around, that stupid smirk still plastered on his face "Are you sure I overestimate myself?"

The bastard. He was right.


I took off my heels in the taxi and walked barefooted into my apartment building.

I had spent waay too much time today stuck listening to the grunts and moans emitting from my boss' office. I had eventually picked up my bag and left early. Well the other employees were long gone...but it was early for me.

The elevator arrived quickly and I got inside.

"Hold it please!" A voice yelled and Kevin appeared.

I laughed "Paint shirt guy! You know I'm beginning to think you're elevator-stalking me"

He wrinkled his nose "You wish. And I thought I told you my name"

"Yeah but Kevin's so boring. I much prefer paint shirt guy" I swear, I don't know what's happening to me.

"Ouch baby, that hurt" He placed a hand over his heart.

My heart fluttered at the endearment. I rolled my eyes "Get over it"

The elevator stopped at his floor. "Good night Pretty eyes" He winked, getting off.

The doors had already closed before I responded. 

Pretty eyes. He thought my eyes were pretty. The doors opened at my floor. I walked out, still barefooted; loving the feel of the carpet under my feet.

Then I stopped short when I saw who was waiting at my door. My heart stopped beating.

Christmas!!!🎄🎄 It's my absolute favourite holiday. Where I live, the weather is boiling rn, gotta envy people who have actual winter?

Question of the chapter: Would you rather live somewhere it's super hot all year round or where it's super cold???

Vote and Comment people! 💕💖💕

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