Chapter 16

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"E-excuse me?" The blue-uniformed man turned around slowly, gulping at the sight of Aiden. His eyes stared at him in a cowardly manner and his body was suddenly frozen on sight. "W-who do you think you are?" He stammered again.

Aiden didn't hesitate to take a step forward and shame the man further by towering over him.

"Someone who you don't want to piss off." He said through a clenched jaw. "So, janitor, I suggest you open that door." He tightened his hands around the broom.

"I... well I'm not allowed..." The janitor explained, swallowing the anger that poured out from Aiden's eyes.

"Aiden, it's fine... I can come back tomorrow." I tell him in a weak attempt.

"I believe this pathetic excuse for a man owes you an apology, Emma." He stepped closer to the man the same way the janitor had stepped to me. "Don't you think?"

"Please, let's just go." I try again.

The next thing I knew, the janitor was crying out in pain, begging to be let go as his face turned red and closed in a grimace. I followed the man's eyes to the ground where a heavy black boot was crushing the tip of a blue running shoe. Aiden twisted his heel further and the man cried out louder, holding onto his shirt like some kind of plea.

A glimmer filled the waterline of his eyes as they looked up at Aiden.

"Fine, I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He screeched out.

Like a large wave crushing his body, he was released. He clutched onto his bruised foot and swore under his breath.

"The door." Aiden scorned down at him.

The man fumbled around while trying to reach for his pocket and hold his foot at the same time. Before he could even pass up the keys, Aiden snatched them from his hand, and in return, the broom was dropped on the floor, bouncing a few times until it rested still.

Aiden moved from behind me to the door and twisted the lock open on the first try. He went inside but I couldn't bring myself to follow him. Instead, I stood silently, watching with empathy as the man lay on the floor.

Seconds later Aiden was by my side again, clutching my textbook with one hand. He strode toward the janitor and held him by his collar.

"You ever look at her in the wrong way again, and I will cut out your eyes. You so much as mutter a single word in her direction, and I will cut out your tongue. Do you understand me?"

The janitor nodded repeatedly. Then, Aiden gripped onto my arm and pulled me away. He forced us through the building doors and led us outside where I could finally pull my arm away.

He turned to me, chest heaving. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"N-no. I'm okay." I swallowed, trying to hide that I was on the brink of tears. I felt my throat closing up and squeeze for air as I met his gaze. "Thank you." 

Something flashed in his eyes before he looked away, slowly nodding. "You're welcome."

"Thank you for my textbook and for..." I didn't have to finish the sentence for him to understand.

"It's fine." His jaw clenched as he held out the heavy book for me.

I took it without saying anything. I didn't have it in me to hold back from crying in front of him for much longer. "I'll..." I cleared my throat. "I'll see you."

He watched me quietly, his muscles visibly tensing. He stepped forward. "Where are you going?" 

I looked down at where his thin, long fingers had gently laced around my wrist. His chest was inches away from mine. I looked up and my eyes connected with his pink lips for a brief moment. There was something about the way he was holding me now that was different. It felt like I was suddenly short of breath. My stomach erupted with a butterfly-like feeling. His fingertips grazed against my skin and goosebumps were left in their absence.

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