Chapter 31

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Aiden schooled my features in a hard glare as I stormed inside his room. The whole place was broken up in two parts: the first being messy piles of clothes on the floor and open drawers, and the second, a perfectly tidy bed and a desk in the middle with a pair of black shoes that lined up perfectly with the frame of the door that Aiden shut behind me.

It was strange to walk through the space where he slept. It didn't feel like someone truly lived here. It was... lonely and cold, much like Aiden had been with me in the past. The blinds were half closed, blocking out the main sources of sunlight. The entire room was stripped to the bare necessities of one person. There were no frames or posters hung up on the walls, nothing to indicate a hobby or single memory with family. However what intrigued me the most, was the small and transparent yellow prescription bottle sitting on top of his nightstand, practically empty. From where I stood I couldn't read the label, but their presence in the room caught me off guard completely.

When Aiden saw what I spotted, he tread across the room and took them in his hand, shoving them deep in his pocket.

I couldn't describe the feeling that buried itself in the pit of my stomach, but it locked itself in place as I tried to shake what I saw from my memory and remember why I came in the first place.

"I-I don't care what you do with your life, Aiden. Frankly, it is none of my business, but I am not a pushover or a puppet for you to play with when you're bored!" I howled. "I know what happened with Aubrey after you ran away from me last night, and if you want to hook-up with other girls, fine by me, just leave me the hell out of it!"

I paced around, trying to sort through everything I needed to say to him, yet seeing his face pointed at the ground, ignoring me, only brought more distaste into my words.

"I really thought we both felt the same thing when we kissed. I thought I could finally begin to understand you..." I shook my head, quickly beginning to raise my voice. "For a single moment, I felt for you... and it was just another mistake!"

His head shot up straight away and he looked at me with a frown that gently drowned his words. "It wasn't a mistake."

"Everything we do together seems to be a mistake!" My voice broke. "I am tired of being used and treated like dirt by someone who doesn't even care about me!"

Aiden clenched his jaw and his eyes tightened. He turned his back to me and forcibly closed the drawers on his dresser, removing himself from the conversation entirely. He didn't have to say anything for me to understand that he didn't want me here, that he wasn't interested in what I was trying to say.

It was amusing to me that there used to be a time when he would do the same thing and I would have brushed it off, but when he did it now, it stung.

"You don't get to turn your back on me, Aiden." I sniffled. "You don't get to avoid me you're the one that messed up!"

"I think it's best if you leave."

"Why? Do you have some other blonde to get to?"

"Get out... please, just get out." He breathed heavily while repeating himself, pleading.

I continued despite his attempts. "You know, every time I begin to think you aren't the bad person that everyone tells me you are, you somehow find a way to prove me wrong! You are so convinced that people see you in a bad light, yet you do nothing to let somebody see otherwise!"

Instead of closing the drawers in the same manner in which he was doing before, Aiden started to slam them as loudly as he could. The wood smacked against itself and drowned out my words - he was doing it on purpose.

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