Chapter 04|Address

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New chapter!


"My name is Rhea Rodriguez and you are in great danger."


Bianca/Victoria P.O.V

After cleaning ourselves up, Jasmine and I sped into her car, with an aim to leave the apartment as fast as we could.

I held the small folded piece of paper in my fist while my heart was beating loud and fast in my chest.

"Where are we going to go?" I ask Jasmine from the passengers seat.

She starts the engine and turns to me, a worried expression on her face, "we could stay at a friend's house for a few days," she suggests.

My lips form into a thin line at the thought of getting an innocent person involved.

"How about we go to a hotel?" I suggest.

"It's too risky," she mumbles as she sped down the street.

I bite my lip in thought and let out a tired sigh. "Alright."


"So you're telling me, that you got attacked by assassins in your own house and you got attacked by an assassin in the libary, and you broke your laptop on the attacker's face before stabing him in the stomach and running for your dear life and now both of you are confused and in danger because apparently some unknown evil source is trying to kill you?"

Jasmine and I looked at each other before looking back at Hazel.

"Exactly," Jasmine says and Hazel raises both her eyebrows at us, obviously not believing a thing.

I sighed, "listen, I know this sounds like complete bullshit but I promise you it's the truth," I tell her.

She leans back in her seat, "oh, I believe you," she starts and both our eyes widen slightly.

"You do?" Jasmine asks, her voice sounding amused.

"Yup, and I've watched enough action movies to know how this is going to end," she says calmly, taking a long sip from her hot chocolate.

I couldn't help but laugh a little from her reply. This is nothing like a movie, it's real life, real choices and real consequences.

"How?" I ask curious to know what she's thinking as Jasmine sips from her own mug.

Hazel brings her mug close to her lips, "you're both gonna die," she says matter of factly with a serious expression on her face.

Jasmine chockes and let's out loud hard coughs, the sudden action caused me to jump in shock. "Jaz!" I glare at her.

"S-sorry, I just-" she coughs again, and I notice Hazel staring at her with an amused look on her face. "Didn't expect that," she finishes after she finally sobered up.

"Wait so you believe us?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes.

"Of course not! What kind of crazy story is that?" She exasperated. "I'm not an idiot, you know."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Jasmine says loudly. I rolled my eyes.

Hazel narrowed her eyes at Jasmine, "shutup," she said and looked back at me.

I gave Jasmine a 'that was kinda mean look' and she sighed dramatically.

"I'm sorry, I just found your statement funny, that's all," Jasmine said with a forced smile on her face.

"Whatever, what is it you guys want again?"

Hazel is a friend from the University. I met her in a coffee shop after a class and she grew to be the closest friend I have aside from Jasmine.

Hazel doesn't know about our past and we plan to keep it that way, but right now, I don't even know why we are telling her this.

"We need a place to stay," I say, "just for a couple days!" I add quickly when I notice her mouth open.

She frowned, "I don't mean to be rude, but why can't you just rent a hotel room or something?"

"We just can't," Jasmine replied bluntly.

Jasmine isn't a fan of Hazel, ever since I've introduced these two she's hated her for some reason. I've asked but she never gives me a real answer.

"If you guys wanted to stay over you know you didn't have to lie and make all that stuff up, right?" She says, raising an accusing eyebrow at Jasmine and I.

If only you believed...

"Yeah, we shouldn't have, sorry,"Jasmine says through gritted teeth. I could feel the annoyance radiating off her.

Hazel ignores Jasmine's attitude and smiles brightly.

"You can stay as long as you want, I've got plenty of room," she said brightly, gesturing to her large expensive apartment.

"Thanks Hazel," I tell her greatfully.

"Don't mention it," she replied and walks out of the living room.

I turned to Jasmine, "she's such a sweetheart, I have no idea what you have against her."

She snorted, "I still don't like her," She scoffed crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes at her childishness.

"Well, at least now we have a temporary place to stay," I tell her. "Just be nice so she doesn't end up kicking us out.

"I'll try."

I sipped from my mug and leaned on the soft couch that probably costs more than everything I own combined, just before I realised I still had the piece of paper in my fist.

I look through the writing on the paper again. It was an address.

"Are you sure you have no idea where this is?" I ask Jasmine, showing her the paper.

She shakes her head, "positive."

"Do you think we should check the place out tomorrow?"

Jasmine takes a second to think, "we probably shouldn't, it could be a trap or something like that." She stands on her feet and stretches her arms, "well, I'm going to bed." She mutters and leaves the room.

"Night," I call and look back down at the address scribbled on the paper in bad writing.

Is it bad that I'm dying to know where this is?


I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any questions do ask, in case you are confused.

Pls vote and comment if you enjoyed it.

Have a great day/night!


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