Chapter 23|Club

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Damn. Chapter 23 already...

Bianca's P.O.V

Last night's talk with Jasmine definitely changed the way I saw everyone. My gaurd was definitely up and high.

It feels so weird knowing one of us is a mole. It's like five years ago all over again, I'm tired of living with liar.

Right now I'm outside at the back of the mansion. Michael and Blake wanted to host some barbecue. I don't think I've ever had a barbecue party before, shocking but true.

They invited Asher and the others but they aren't here yet.

I'm thinking of asking Asher about the mole, but why didn't he tell me? Maybe he was just being careful, and I have a feeling Michael wasn't supposed to tell Jasmine either.

We're all suspects and I know for a fact that whoever the mole is, that person is getting a brutal torturing before death. I wonder what Asher is like in his full Mafia mode, I've never really seen him like that.

He's usually pretty normal when I'm around him.

"What are you thinking about?" A masculine voice asks. I turn beside me and find Asher standing there and looking down at me.

He was still in his suit but he didn't have a tie or blazer on and it made him look even more attractive. His hair was a bit messy and he looked pretty worn out, the stubble on his face was still there.

Did he sleep?

"Nothing," I reply. It would be embarrassing to admit I was thinking about him. "You look exhausted," I tell him.

He smiles slightly, "I am," he says. "I've been pretty busy with the company and... The gang."

I raise a brow unconvinced by his reply, "what's the real reason Asher?" I ask him softly.

I took a step closer to him and got a better look at his face. He had bags under his eyes and I wondered how I didn't notice it yesterday.

You were too blinded by your jealousy to notice anything that happened yesterday. My self-conscious tells me and I internally roll my eyes.

Wait did something else happen yesterday? I ask myself.

Asher sighs tiredly and runs a hand through is hair, "it's just that I'm a bit anxious with Hades on the loose. It's been messing with my sleep," he admits and I feel my face fall.

"Asher you need to be calm, everything will fall into place. You guys have a plan right?" I ask him and he nodds, "then good, everything will be alright, just relax."

"It's hard to relax Bianca," he tells me, "you have no idea what that man put my father through. He tortured him Bianca, he made him the person he became. Hades drove my father crazy. He wasn't always like that," he tells me with so much emotion I almost feel my eyes water. "I'd rather him kill me that let history repeat itself."

I can't help but gently ring my fingers around his, but hesitantly. He noticed and interlocks our fingers anyways, the gesture makes me smile, "you're not alone Asher. I'm here, we're all here. He won't win."

He smiles at me but I can tell it's forced. I know my empty words can't take away the fear he feels, but hopefully I can somehow show how much I care.

"You know what," I start, "I feel like all this suspence Hades is bringing is for a reason. Asher, he's not going to be the one that drives you crazy, his plan is to make you drive yourself crazy, don't let it prevail. Be calm so you make good decisions," I tell him.

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