Chapter 14

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  Patrick pushed the dirt aside with his foot to make space for his ball. He blew the fallen leaves from the tree, and flattened the thin layer of gravel. He bent down and placed the ball in position ready to beat his opponent. On the goalie, stood Joseph. He was tall and muscular, the athletic kind. He blew on his gloves and stood in the centre of two small goal posts.

  "Are you ready?" Asked Patrick.
  "Aye captain," replied Joseph.
  Patrick took few steps backwards before thrusting forward and shooting the ball into the lower left side of the post. Joseph lunged a little late to let the ball into the net and allow Patrick to score a goal.
  "Goalllllll" shouted Patrick triumphantly raising his tiny fists into the air.
  Joseph bent down on his knees pretending to be crying at the loss.
Patrick ran to him and placed a hand on his left shoulder.
  "Never mind, next time I'll let you win," he said with a big smile that melted Joseph's heart. He loved his son. Patrick was everything to him. He enjoyed his company a lot. They watched football together, they supported the same team, and shared common interests.   

  Although Patrick was only six at the time, Joseph had already made big dreams for him and was set to make them happen. Joseph was a football fanatic. He was a great local player himself. No one would've stood a chance against him when it came to one-on-one challenges. Patrick admired his father a lot. Wanted to be like him when he grew up. He was his role model.

  "Alright pal, hold the stop watch. Press this button to start and this to stop okay? I need you to time me as I juggle the ball around without letting it drop. Now watch your papa ace some moves."
Patrick beamed at him with admiration.
  "Come on daddy, keep the ball up high in the sky!"

  Joseph neatly juggled the ball around. He balanced it on his knees before flicking it up. He rolled it down his left arm and swooped it
back into the air with the back of his heel. A few tactical moves left young Patrick in awe of his athletic father.
  "Did you get the timing? For how long have I balanced it?" Asked Joseph.
  Little Patrick looked at the stop watch in his hands.

  "For ten dot twenty-three."
  "I could have gone for much longer, but it is time for lunch. You don't want us scolded by your mum eh," he said playfully as he ruffled Patrick's hair.
  "Aye captain," said Patrick.
  "Good boy."

  Joseph took Patrick's hand and led him into the house. The aroma of the food was making their stomach rumble. Aside from being a great doctor, Katherine was a great cook as well. Joseph and Patrick loved her cooking. She had them drooling every time she cooked.

  "Come on boys, you are just in time. Wash your hands and faces and take a seat, dinner is ready."
  "Yes ma'am," they both said playfully saluting her as they do in the army. She smiled at the sight of them. They were her treasure, her life, her everything. She wouldn't trade them for the world. They devoured the food so quickly.
  "You boys are very hungry I see."
  "It is your food that gives us such an appetite."
  "I love your food mummy."
  "Aww my darling. I am glad you do. I will always cook for you until this little tummy becomes as big as Santa's," she said playfully tucking his little stomach.

  Patrick smiled at the memory of his parents. He loved them so much. He missed them so much. He would do anything to relive those memories. It was all gone now. It was all gone a very long time ago when he was still a little boy. Life seemed perfect for him. He had the perfect family. The perfect life. His family was a very loving one, and that was all that mattered. He had everything, then one day everything was gone. He lost it all. His parents, his life, his youth, everything.

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