Chapter 22

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  She couldn't sleep at night thinking about everything Patrick had told her. She was very affected by Andrew's death. She cried herself to sleep for two nights in a row, blaming herself for not doing anything to help him. To have done anything that might have changed the course of what had happened, is better than doing nothing. She couldn't let this happen again. She wouldn't allow herself to fail Rachel, not this time. Doctor Steven had to pay for what he'd done to all the innocent patients. She was determined to do whatever it takes to help Patrick find evidence. She wanted to happily watch the police put shackles around doctor Steven's wrists and send him away to jail forever. A death sentence won't be too much for a person like him.

  "Here we go. The red pill, white pill, the food, blah blah blah." Maria was assessing the trays before they were taken to the patients. She hated doing that. It bored her. Everything bored her. Stella was allowed to take the trays unaccompanied to all the patients except for Rachel. She had one opportunity to be alone with Rachel, and she handled it just right. Stella hadn't known why Maria had let her go alone into Rachel's room, but whatever the case was, it had come in Stella's favour.

  "Carry it and follow me," ordered Maria ushering to the tray.

Stella hated how Maria bossed everyone around. She sometimes took it too far with her bossing, but no one ever complained. Stella knew that there might be serious consequences if someone ever complained, so she decided to stay off the hook if she wanted to plan carefully with Patrick.

  "Everyday the same old shit. When will this crap end? I can't stand those lunatics anymore," she muttered to herself loud enough for Stella to hear. Stella let out a mocking smile. Maria gave her the evil eye. Stella pretended not to have noticed.

  Maria unlocked the door and let them both into Rachel's room.
Stella's heart sank at the sight of how Rachel's weak body laid on the mattress.
  "Wakey, wakey," sang Maria.
  Rachel's eyes flinched at the light that was illuminated into her room.
  "Breakfast is here sunshine," said Maria with her usual mockery voice.

  Stella couldn't bare the sight of Rachel. She looked away and forced herself to hold back her tears. Rachel looked like a mess. Her hair hasn't been properly combed for days. She hadn't taken a proper shower as well. She must have been very weak following the harsh ECT session she experienced. Her body seemed fragile, and she had lost a lot of weight since her arrival to the asylum.

Rachel tried to force herself up, but failed to do so on her own. Stella placed the tray before her on the ground.

  Their eyes locked for few seconds. Stella could feel the pain in Rachel's eyes. Her watery eyes were enough to project the pain inside her.  Stella hoped that Rachel could feel the concern in her eyes. She tried to give her a look of hope. A look that said 'hold on, I am coming to rescue you'. A look that told her to stay strong, and that help was on the way.

  "Gulp down those pills, I don't have all day," said Maria.
  Stella held the pills in her hand. Rachel backed out not wanting to take the pills.
  "It is okay Rachel, open up your mouth and let me help you."
  Maria, whom was standing next to the door, seemed bored with her back rested on the wall and her eyes half closed.

  "Get it over with already," she said through gritted teeth. Her patience was running out.
  Stella wanted Rachel to trust her. She tried to project as much concern into her eyes as she ever could. Rachel must have read the sign because she obeyed. Stella shifted her body to block Maria's view. She pretended to drop the pills into Rachel's mouth, and dropped them into her long sleeve instead. She held the corner of her sleeve with her fourth and fifth finger to stop the pills from falling to the ground. She quickly raised the plastic cup of water and brought it close to Rachel's lips.
  "Now swallow them nice and slow," said Stella as she fixed her eyes onto Rachel's. She could swear that she saw a sign of relief in Rachel's eye. Rachel played along. She pretended to have swallowed the pills.

  "Open up your mouth," ordered a grumpy Maria as she backed out the wall and approached Rachel.
  Stella backed out, and in the process, dropped the pills from her sleeves into her right pocket. Maria searched Rachel's mouth for the pills, but she couldn't find them.
  "Good girl. Being an obedient girl today? That is out of the ordinary. Now gulp your food down. In ten minutes we will be back to take the tray."

  She lifted herself back up and walked towards the door. Rachel smiled faintly at Stella. Mission accomplished. She was able to make Rachel confide in her, or at least want to trust her.

  Both Maria and Stella marched out of the room and down the hall. Stella's heart beats went back to normal. Her heart was beating so fast as she was attempting to help Rachel. She didn't know how Rachel might respond. If she would cooperate or simply expose them. She felt a sweat break down her temple. She used her sleeve to wipe the sweat away without Maria noticing. She was so proud of herself, that she couldn't help but smile. She was one step closer to victory. She could sense it. Although Patrick and her still got a long way to go, but one step closer is better than no step at all.

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