My Sister is a Fucking Ninja?!

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A/n okey doke, so this story has been on my page published with one part for a while now. I posted it due to the fucked and weird dream i had and many of you have all been commenting on it in hopes of me to continue writing it.

So vote on this part and maybe I'll get there!

Blurb/ Discription

"Andy, are you fucking Ninja!?"

"Blake, just calm down."

"Calm down? Y-you just ninja kicked a hot guy out of our apartment window..."

"yes, well, that 'hot guy' as you call him, wanted to kidnap you"

"I'm sorry? What?"

"you heard me Blake, you're the stupidest Genius I know."

"Stupid? Now's not the time for sarcasm"

"Look, B, you are just going to have to wait until the guys get here, they're better at explaining it anyways."

"Guys? What guys? I thought you were a lesbian?"

"I am, my colleagues"

"colleagues? Andy, you work at a high end escorted service..."

"well, that's not entirely true, it's my cover..."

"cover? What? Huh?"

"Blake, I'm a secret agent"

"So my sister IS a fucking Ninja!?, Holy shit!"


18 year old Blake Carlisle, had a lot to deal with in her life, her parents death when she was 8, graduating highschool at age 12, knowing over 20 different languages, hacking computers, and studying anything and everything she could. But she never expected to find out that her own 22 year old sister was a Ninja. - she says Agent - Blake say ninja. Her life was thrown into turmoil, with guns, bad guys, and betrayals.

22 year old Andy Carlisle, who was having trouble making ends meet, when she was just 12 years old when she lost her parents, and looking after her younger sister was approached by a man that changed her life forever. He made her an Agent. And it changed her life - for better or for worse - but when the enemies of the agency find out about Andy's genius younger sister, they will stop at nothing until they have her.

- Let's just say that it won't happen with Andy still breathing. -

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