Chapter Twenty • The Kiss

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Jade turned her face towards William and met a pair of lustful eyes. Before she could answer him a servant appeared and served them a glass of wine each.

They broke eye contact and she let go of his hand and took the glass of wine. His touch was too distracting and his words had her shook. She tried her best to ignore the storm of confusion and feelings that his words had stirred up inside her.

He wants to kiss me? Again?

The room was still silent. William and Jade turned their eyes away from each other. The king suddenly cleared his throat. Jade did not think that it was possible, but the room became even quieter. He raised his glass, turned to Jade and his son with eyes filled with joy.

"Welcome, dear guests!" His voice echoed dark and proud through the room.

Jade watched the quests as he spoke. Their eyes glistened and it was clear that William's father was a king that had earned his people's love and respect. There was nothing but admiration and joy in their faces.

"My son has, as you can see, chosen his bride." His words seemed to hit the guests as a surprise. Some looked at each other in surprise and some started whispering while looking at Jade. A woman even scoffed.

"Did they not know this on beforehand?" Jade whispered to William without looking at him.

"They did." He answered her.

"Then why do they look so surprised?" she asked and saw how many of the female guests seemed very upset.

"If they can't figure out that my future wife was standing next to me when they were greeted, I fear for their kingdoms." William answered and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"It's not funny." Jade hissed. "What the hell did they think I was doing next to you, or even standing here in the first place, if it wasn't clear why?"


The king finished his speech and the applause from the guests drowned William's answer out.

Jade sighed and searched the room for an escape. It was so humiliating how the guests had looked at her when the king had announced their so called engagement.

Once again Jade got a taste of what her future would look like; Jade being disrespected because of her origin.

"Where are you?" William woke her from her depressing thoughts. Jade gave him a wondering, innocent look. "I am not as stupid as these people." He continued and gestured discretely towards the guests. "I noticed that you didn't pay much attention to... well anyone or anything." He chuckled and Jade felt the same warmth from before shoot through her as his smile reached his eyes.

Jade didn't answer him. Instead she sipped on her wine and begged for this night to be over.

A moment later the guests started mingling and the king and queen disappeared. Small groups of female guests either gathered together and started throwing looks at Jade, or like two groups actually did; they went up to the king and seemed to question his announcement.

Jade felt her whole body relax as she wasn't the center of attention anymore, at least not directly. She was still the word on everybody's tongue but she felt like now she could breathe now.

"Come." William said softly in a low voice and grabbed her hand.

"Where are we going?" She questioned him but didn't receive an answer.

William led Jade out of the ballroom by her hand. He walked just as gracefully as the others around them. Jade however did not possess this grace and it must have looked awkward; the way she almost stumbled after him.

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