Shot - 5

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I bringed Omkara in this part because i wanted to involve Gauri in all this ,As I always punish everyone for their deeds 😂😂😂 I bring Gauri for showing her what she lost by rejecting our Shivay and From what she is going through ..


"Omkara" Shivay raised his brows in confusion and look beside om and there She was, the one he though he loved . "What are you doing here?" Shivay asked being curious to know that what the hell Omkara Singh Oberoi is doing on his door with his wife "If you are here to share the news of gauri's pregnancy then for your kind info I already know that" he said and was about to continue but stopped seeing tears in Om's eyes "What?" he whispered to himself but got shock when instead of replying Omkara hugged him tightly ..

"I am Sorry" Om whispered in cracked voice and Gauri rolled her eyes dramatically.. " Where the hell i got stuck" She whispered to herself and shed few fake tears  ..

"Hey! it's okay , it's been long time since we lost our baby and why are you sorry for this?"  Shivay thought that Omkara is saying sorry for his and Anika loss .

"I am not sorry for that" said Om parting away from hug and look down in shame "I am sorry for throwing insult on you ,I am sorry for creating problems in your life when you were struggling in Business world , I am such a bad brother" He said with guilt making Shivay more confused .

"What's going on Om? and why the hell are you sorry now ?just come to the point"  demanded Shivay , a little bit angrily "And also you are my cousin ,it's not like my own brother did that with me" Said Shivay chuckling dryly and Om's eyes bent down more in shame and guilt, he found himself stuck between the truth and lie , And finally he decided to let Shivay live in lie , So without keeping his point , he started to head out from Mansion, making Gauri shock "Is he crazy?" Gauri cried angrily in her mind and let out few more tears before smirking badly " He is Sorry because he is Your real brother , Shakti papa ji and Jhanvi Mom son " She said in best dramatic and sad voice making shivay shock "Last night when jhanvi mom was drunk and she and Tej papa jii fought she confessed that Om jii isn't tej papa's  jii child" She shed few more tears before going close to Om and hugging him but her eyes were fixed on Shivay as she thought that her this act will effect him but for her disappointment there was nothing on his face other than shock..

"Shivay" called out Anika from their room "I am hungry" She said in a little low voice and sighed "If you will permit me then i can help you with dinner , Can i get down from bed?" She asked like a child breaking Shivay shocked trance and he quickly look towards dinner trolley and smiled a little and closed his eyes for composing himself ..

" I don't believe you Omkara Singh Oberoi and Mrs Omkara" He said angrily "Although I don't even want you both here but when you both are already here So Will you like to have dinner?" he asked and Omkara nodded negatively but Gauri nodded positively and placed her hand on her stomach "I think baby is hungry" she deliberately mentioned baby word for effecting Shivay but nonetheless it didn't even had a little effect on him ..

Ohh sure ! the least I can do right now is feed my upcoming niece or nephew" Shivay smiled "Mala come over and serve remaining breakfast to Omkara sir and Gauri Mam " Ordered Shivay to one of maid "I am sorry Guys but we can't join you , Actually Anika is sick and i will have my dinner with her in our room".

"Ohh! " This was all came out from Gauri's mouth and she quickly made her way towards dinning table  and pulled Omkara with her too ..

"After dinner you both can stay in guest room for tonight" Said Shivay before making his way towards his room " Now What the hell is this?" Thought Shivay and entered in his room and found her wife half hanging from bed like a child and trying to climb on bed

"What are you doing?" Asked Shivay placing trolley near bed and Anika look here and there avoiding his eyes..

"Exercise" she replied abruptly and Shivay raised his brows suspiciously..

"And May i ask which type of exercise is this?" he raised his brows , Anika rubbed back of her neck and murmured something under her breath which went unheard by Shivay.. "You said something?" he asked , but she shaked negatively in response still avoiding his gaze ..

"You listened everything na ?" he asked and she shake positively whispering No..

"Anika?" he smiled looking towards her and pulled her on his lap "I was going to tell you ?" he said pecking her forehead , and she quickly turned towards him facing him ..

"Then tell na , What Omkara told you and you didn't believe? and Why she is here ?" First she asked about Omkara in normal tone then she asked about Gauri in low voice ,  looking  down , He stare his wife for a minute  and cupped her face in his palm , he made her look towards him and pecked her lips lovingly ..

"Love" He called her lovingly , Anika quickly look upward and stare her husband in shock listening love from his mouth for the first time "Om claimed that he is my brother , jhanvi Oberoi  and Dad's child and Gauri is here with him " he told , her eyes widened in shock and she patted her chin for a minute ..

" He is lying , Something is fishy Shivay" Anika placed her head on his chest and played with his shirt button "I know they are lying , I have gut feeling about this" she whispered and placed kiss on shivay's chest lightly ..

"I know" Shivay responded and caresses her hair lovingly "May be someone else lied to him , I mean i don't think Om can made this lie by himself " Shivay said and placed Anika on bed ..

"Let's eat first , we will discuss this later" he said and served food on plate ...


Precap - Truth revealed, One month leap .

How many of you want Shiv Om to be real brothers ???

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