Chapter Eighteen - The Kids From Yesterday.

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  "I'll be back afterwards, okay?" Frank tells me, eyebrows raised high.

  "Alright, okay" I nod impatiently.

  "Hadley" Frank's voice is a blunt warning as he stares at me from the front porch "I'll be straight back after school, and if you..." he trails off, eyes hard, obviously he doesn't know the meaning of subtle.

  "Alright, I won't" I sigh, shaking my head at him.

  "Good" he smiles at me, then he takes my hand and pulls me towards him, he hugs me hard, but I shift in his arms, uncomfortable with the contact even though I slept curled up to him all night. He steps away, shaking his head at me as he chuckles.

  "Have fun" I call sarcastically as he jogs down the porch steps, he throws me an equally sarcastic smirk over his shoulder and flips me the finger, I laugh. Then he crosses over my yard and into his own, I watch as he hops into his car and pulls messily out of the driveway. Clearly he isn't an excellent driver, and I snicker as he honks his horn and zooms away, screeching around the corner at the end of the street. 

  I close the door with a sharp snap, and decide to go in and watch a movie while I have a few hours of peace ahead of me. 

  But just as I'm slumping onto the couch, there's a few quick knocks on the door. I groan, why? Just why?

  I shove myself to my feet and stomp to the front door, with an irritated growl I wrench it open and stumble as I swing with it. I catch myself on the wood, but have definitely managed to humiliate myself in front of whoever it is that's decided to call at this very stupid hour. 

  As I look around, I expect Mikey, maybe Donna, or maybe even Frank who's decided to skip school because he's worried about me, I'm about to open my mouth to bitch at whoever it is that's decided to interrupt my very valuable alone time, but the words die on my tongue as I inspect them. 

  It's a girl. And I don't know many girls, or at least, I don't know many girls that I actually like. But this girl is familiar. Her hair is a dark brown, with a reddish tint that's obviously been added by dye. Her skin is a lovely tanned colour that I'm instantly jealous of, her large eyes are a pretty chocolate brown, her frame isn't impressive, tall and gawky and skinny, and I'm instantly reminded of Mikey. All in all, she's really pretty, so much more than me that I feel myself scowling on the inside. 

  "Hi, Hadley" she smiles at me hesitantly as she scuffs her worn converse along the wooden floorboards of the porch. And that small gesture reminds me of who she is. She's the girl that said sorry to me after Gerard died. She was also the girl that laughed a lot when I was having that argument with Leah. 

  "Hey" I reply after a moment of hesitation, but I can't help frowing a little at her presence.  

  "Sorry to bother you" she shakes her head quickly, smiling apologetically "I just uh..." she trails off, god she's an awkward little cupcake isn't she? I raise my eyebrows at her.

  "These!" she stutters. She thrusts an object at me and I scramble to catch it as she instantly lets go, thankfully, I do manage to catch it in my hands and I realise it's a plate wrapped in see-through clingfilm, and then I realise the mound of cookies beneath it, I look up at her, eyes wide.

  "My uh..." she pauses, takes a breath and starts again "My mother baked them for you, she heard about your uh..." she trails off again, not out of nerves, but because she doesn't know what to say. 

  "My suicide attempt?" I offer with sarcasm. 

  "That" she mumbles, looking at the floor "My mom... she wanted to do something for you, she's a weird lady" she shrugs, and a smile lights her lips, making her look ten times prettier. 

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