Chapter Thirty

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I felt my body wake yet my eyes stayed glued shut unable to open, all I could hear was people frantically moving around me until a hand began to stroke my face gently and I unconsciously moved into the comforting hand. "Kenny, can you hear me sweetheart?"

Lena's comforting voice surrounded me as I laid there still and feeling numb. My whole being felt heavy, as if a house had fell on top of me.

I moaned in pain as I opened my mouth a little needing air, my airway feeling constricted.

"We need to get her to the infirmary." Lena cried as she kept stroking the hair out my face as I continued to struggle to open my eyes, deciding it was best to keep them shut to not waste any energy I might have.

"I'll pick her up as gently as I can, you go get Blaine." Liam ordered, Lena was frantic and was unable to think clearly.

His hands carefully go underneath my body, one arm supporting my back and the other my legs. I was engulfed in Liam's scent as he slowly picked me up into his arms.

He shifted me a little while walking out the house through the front door, I was immediately met with the freezing cold air as he rushed me towards the pack infirmary. Everyone seemed to be expecting my arrival as wolves hurried around.

George quickly ushered Liam in the infirmary, ordering him to place me on the prepared hospital bed.

"I'm not sure what happened, we found her at the bottom of the stairs. I assume she lost her balance and fell." Liam said, as he took a few steps away from me, giving George space as he replaced him putting an IV into my arm to provide me with some fluids.

Before George could say anything, the door to the infirmary slammed open, I forced my eyes to open, knowing it was my mate.

Blaine quickly entered the room and stood next to me, his eyes looking fearful as he stared down at me in panic. It was a strange emotion for me to see as Blaine never feared anything.

My eyes continued to feel heavy, as he cupped my cheek as he repeated my name. "Kenny?"

I moaned in discomfort while wanting to speak so badly yet my body refused and I instead entered his mind wanting him to know exactly what had happened. 'Mellissa did this, she was in our house and I didn't realise until she pushed me down the stairs.'

His eyes met mine as a menacing growl emitted from deep within his throat, his eyes darkening even more as he took a step backwards, not wanting to hurt me in case his wolf took over.

He was battling his wolf for control and I could see it was diminishing rapidly as his eyes flashed between his wolfs and his own.

His body language was displaying the true anger he was feeling. His posture was stiff and his hands were balled into fists and from the amount of force he had put on them, meant that his hands were turning white.

All the muscles in his arms were bulging and looked ready to rip through his black shirt as he stood there, his whole body shaking with anger but he managed to calm his wolf down and slowly approached me.

"You'll be alright." He breathed heavily, placing a kiss on my forehead as he gained control of his wolf wanting to comfort me instead of stressing me out.

His eyes showing me a promise that he would deal with the situation later.

The doctor was moving around desperately, yanking supplies from cupboards before frantically pulling the ultrasound over to me. George used the ultrasound on my belly and was firing questions at me as he attempted to find a heartbeat. With each question, I answered him through the pack mind link as I was unable to provide him the answers verbally.

Her Scarred Alpha | ✓ (Currently Rewriting)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat