35 - the one where she makes up.

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Taara exhaled deeply preparing herself. Maybe her father was right and so was Aayush. She spoke to her mother about the entire scarf thing. Her mother laughed it off saying scarf or not, mattered not. Maybe she was the one being stupid about it. She felt awful for having fought with Aayush about it. But deep down she knew it wasn't just that argument, it was much more. But she was labeling it that. It was convenient.

If she tried to pry into his life she'd be the nosy girlfriend he perhaps did not want. She remembered that he had said he wanted to be away from his life and that's why he had come to the marine drive. Where he met her, where they found each other. Maybe this was it! She provided him that escape. Perhaps, that's why he never brought his life between them- because he didn't want to.

She walked along the stretch of the vast expanse of water. If there is anywhere she would find him, it would be here. She felt a little weird without the scarf covering her face. But, what surprised her was there were barely a few people who cared to look. She had been fretting over what the people's reaction would be, so much that she failed to see that- people around very busy with their own freaking life! The ones that cared for her, that she cared about didn't have to see her face to know she was beautiful. She stopped when she saw a familiar figure. She fixed her scrutinizing gaze over him for a few seconds and she knew it was him.

She felt nervousness grip her and excitement whip her. She would finally see him! She took steps to approach him. "Hey handsome!" She greeted and he glanced up. Oh those greyish blue eyes! Almost immediately he looked away ignoring her. 

Taara sighed sitting beside him. "It's a pretty blue day, isn't it?" She commented seeing the sky and then the waters wondering what reflected the other.

"I don't talk to strangers." he muttered and that caused a wide smile to appear on Taara's face. 

"Man, then you're surely missing on a lot. Talking to strangers can turn your life around for the better, you know!" She smiled.

"Or it can lead you to be kidnapped and prison-ed in a dark dungeon somewhere or abused or even worse being murdered." He mumbled not looking at her.

She giggled. "Oh, so you're a lover of thrillers huh?"

"Romance isn't as rosy as it seems."

She smiled. "Have you tried it?"

"Sort of."

"Maybe with the wrong girl." She sighed looking away.

"I don't talk to strangers."

"I know you name, Mr. Aayush Vikrant Rathore." She turned to him amusement back in her voice. "I also have your number." She whispered and winked when he looked at her.

"If you're trying to flirt, it's not working." He gave her a tight-lipped mocking smile.

"No way. I am just trying to be friends, you know." A silence filled, but her next statement broke it. "But it wouldn't harm to try flirting, would it?" She could see him roll his eyes.

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