9. A Long Night

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Scarlett joined Emma in the kitchen rather than going back to the common room, thinking Emma might need a hand with the drinks. She stood silently beside her, watching her measure and mix different drinks together. The silence grew uncomfortable as the seconds ticked by, and Scarlett fought to come up with something to talk about, something that wasn't related to Eric, the strangling, him...

An idea flashed in her mind, it wasn't the best conversation starter but at least it was something. She couldn't handle the awkward silence between them.

"Hey, Ems?" Scarlett asked, trying her best to keep her voice normal and light. "Emma?" She repeated again. Emma was miles away, deep in thought.

"Hmm?" She answered.

"You'll be turning 28 soon in a couple of months..."


"And isn't it the age when it's to be decided whether it will be you or Eric who'll be inheriting the company?" Scarlett bit her lip, immediately regretting asking the question as Emma's face fell.

She remembered the day Emma had told her this. She remembered how angry she was, how emotional. And it made sense, how was she to go against Eric?

Emma had stormed into Scarlett's room and told her everything as she paced the whole area, burning a hole in the carpet. She was ranting about her father, how could he do this to her? Inheriting a multi-national company was not a joke, it just sucked that Eric's and her father were the co-founders of it, meaning only one would be inheriting it. They said it would ensure that the company goes in the best hands.

As soon as Emma heard Scarlett's question, she grew uneasy, almost spilling the drink she was pouring. She tilted her head forward, the movement making her blonde hair slid off her shoulder and falling over her face like a curtain, shielding herself from Scarlett's gaze.

"I'd rather not talk about it," Emma said quietly.

"Maybe we can come up with a solution? A middle ground?"

"If I want to discuss this topic, I'd rather do it with Eric," Emma stated firmly, then whipped around and looked directly into Scarlett's eyes, "Besides, you never tell me about the boy you dated, so why should I share this with you?"

Scarlett inhaled sharply, feeling as if Emma had just slapped her, she might as well have, given her statement. But what could she say in return? Emma is right, she thought bitterly.

However, she just couldn't spill everything to anybody, not even Emma. Spill without completely breaking down into a huge, sobbing mess, that is.

"Very well," said Scarlett, averting her eyes to break Emma's stare.

"Let's just get through the night, okay?" Emma sighed as she put one cold hand on her shoulder. "I think we all just need some sleep, especially me."

Only then did Scarlett notice the tired eyes, hints of dark circles, her moodiness... it was all out of character for Emma. So Scarlett just nodded and stood silently by her as she finished the task.

Emma entered the common room with Scarlett at her heels and noticed the tension between the boys. She was sick of it. Hopefully, it will all change in the morning. With this thought in mind, she started handing out the drinks with Scarlett accompanying her.

Moments later, they were all seated, drinks clutched in their hands and staring at each other awkwardly before Emma suddenly realized why they had the drinks in the first place.

"A toast, to our friendship," Emma smiled, raising her glass.

The others raised their glasses and together, they all took a sip before putting them down again.

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