22. Regrets and Confessions

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"So, another murder?" Matteo said deep in thought as he unconsciously leaned back in his chair.

"Yes," Levi said, still sipping his now cold tea. He missed Charlotte sitting next to him, but she had retired upstairs to their room for sleeping.

After that, Levi had filled Matteo in on everything that had happened in his absence. He would never admit it, but telling Mateo had helped him organize his thought, see the whole picture in clear focus.

He started with when he saw Scarlett and Anthony coming out of Carter's room last night after Levi had named him as the murderer. Then he went on to say how angry Anthony was with Carter this morning, and finally when they all found Carter's body.

After finishing with his little speech, Levi couldn't help but think back to how strange Anthony had reacted and how desperate he was to know why the letter was fake.

"Wait, so you found Carter's body just an hour ago?" Matteo asked.

The question pulled Levi back to the present as he realized he was still not done with Matteo. "Yes. I told you. We were waiting for you when we noticed Carter hadn't come down even once in the whole day. This sent off the alarm bells in my hand I rushed up, only to find him dead."

"But you're saying the room was locked? How can it be murder?" Matteo asked, fearing that Levi was going to say something snarky. He didn't disappoint.

"My God, you're even dumber than I expected," Levi commented and shook his head slowly.

Matteo gnashed his teeth and narrowed his eyes, "How did the killer get hold of the keys?"

"Bravo! Finally asking the right questions," Levi said with fake enthusiasm, angering the detective sitting opposite him even further as he noticed him clenching his jaw.

Matteo glared at him for a good time before raising his eyebrow in question that Levi hadn't answered yet.

"Robert, the hotel manager, said that his original keys were missing. He had to take out the spare key to unlock the door. Acquiring the keys wasn't that hard, you just need to sneak in the right moment," Levi said, "I believe Robert just keeps them at the reception anyway."

Matteo just hummed in response as silence fell on the two detectives. Levi could sense the cogs turning in Mateo's head as he absorbed all the information.

"Do you... do you think Anthony or Scarlett did it? Killed him off, I mean," Matteo asked the first thing that he needed an answer to.

"It's possible, although, to be very honest I see no motive," Levi admitted as his mind ran through all the possible scenarios. "However, if you're thinking that's the case because I saw Anthony and Scarlett exit Carter's room late at night, then you're wrong."

"I overheard Emma and Scarlett talking about the fact that they went to see Carter last night. From the context and tone of the conversation, I imagine Scarlett and Anthony went to Carter's room to check if he was alright. Even though I had named him as the murderer, there still wasn't concrete proof." Levi was deep in thought.

"If Anthony went to check up on Carter at night, then why was he so angry at him in the morning? What changed between the night and morning?" Matteo asked, face twisted into confusion. "It doesn't make sense."


The two men fell into silence again, each one lost in their own theories.

"Unless, of course, Anthony killed Carter. Or maybe all three of them did as an act of sick revenge for Eric," Matteo said after a few moments.

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