Chapter 6

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Aurora's pov

The following days in the pack I completed all my responsibilities. I helped the the cooks prepare food I'm the kitchen. I also saw that the pack house was beautiful but it was depressing as well. Black and grey dominated the entire house. I made all the efforts to include colours in it. I tried to make it a bit brighter along with Elena's help. Everyday I took trips around the pack to interact with everyone over there. Nowadays everyone was now smiling when they looked at me. Having conversations with me. I even visited the pack hospital to meet injured warriors, pregnant shewolves, little children. Everyone seemed happy.

I did possibly everything I could to make the pack a better place. I even went to the training arena for several hours a day. That was of course after caleb finished his training.

Last week after I had my conversation with him I avoided him. Completely. I did not even eat dinner at the same table with him. I avoided going to the pack living room when he was there. If we accidently came in front of each other then I would simply look away and walk away. Even when I could feel him looking at me. Every single time he came in front of me I remembered his words. He was my mate. Someone who was supposed to love me. But he hated me. Absolutely. So I did too. If he does not need me. I don't need him too. Even hearing his voice was cringe worthy for me nowadays. I continued with my regular routine without saying a word. I hated the life I was living.

*A few days later*
Caled had gone outside the pack to do hunting and some other pack business along with his beta. I was sitting in the  living room having some conversation with Andrea when suddenly my senses tingled. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. Suddenly Gina who had not spoken anything for days said, 'Rogues!' I immedietly got up. The third in command came running to me and said, 'Luna, the beta and alpha both are gone. Rogue are attacking.......' He said with fear in his voice. There was no one really to command them right now. 'Don't worry. Take the precautionary measures right now and prepare yourselves. I will be the one to lead you right now.' I commanded him. He looked at me doubtfully but immedietly nodded and left. Me and Andrea started leaving the pack house to get transformed but Andrea said,'Aurora our mates are not here.'

'We are here right now Andrea and ww know how to fight. This is our responsibility right now. Let's go!' I said to her transforming in my wolf and  she transformed into hers.

'Gina we have to fight and command right now.' I told my wolf. 'Don't worry aurora. We have got this.' she growled.

We reached the pack borders as soon as possible. I was grateful to see that the pack had taken their ore autionery measures well and were well prepared. Now all we had to do was fight. I commanded the other warriors while I took the strongest rogue myself.

It was tough but we won. There were several who were injured but luckily none of them died. All the rogues were either killed or taken to the dungeons. Thanks to my training and my beta blood I was not that much injured and my wounds would heal quickly.

I even assisted in carrying the injured the injured warriors to the pack hospital. When I was bandaged and treated several women came up to me and thanked me for the immediate stand I  had taken and literally saved the pack. I told them not to do that as it was my responsibility and that all of them were quite prepared even without me. It was true, no matter how much I didn't like caleb I had to appreciate for the fact of how well trained his pack was. If only he brought a few changes. All around me I was families and mates reuniting.

I thought it was my time to leave now. Just as I was about to leave from the back entrance I heard Caleb hurriedly coming inside the Hospital ward where the warriors were. 'Is everything and everyone alright?' he asked in a worried voice. 'Yes alpha.' all of them replied. 'I apologize for not there. I....' He began saying when his third in command said, 'Alpha there is no need to apologize. It was not your fault. We know you are a good alpha. Besides that luna was there. She was the one who led us forward and took care of everything along with our beta mate. She was truly brave today alpha. Our pack is truly blessed with her.' He said.

'Do you know where your luna is?' caleb asked. I was surprised to hear a soft tone in his voice. 'She was right here alpha. We don't know where she left. Probably to the pack house.' He replied.

Instead of opening the door and going in front of him I went outside and started walking away. What did he have to do with me right now? I didn't want to talk with him or even see him.

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