Chapter 26

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Caleb's flashback(he is 15 years old)

I was returning back to my mom's room after putting away her lunch plates. She wouldn't eat without me being there. I was about to enter her room when I saw that bastard there.

It was my so called father. 'Honey, honey please listen to me. Please don't act like this. I love you sweetheart. Come on, let's go back to our room, we can sort this out.' He said touching her cheek and her hand. My mom screamed at that moment and tried to push him away closing her eyes. 'Get away from her!' I yelled at him.

'This is between me and my mate, Caleb. Don't come between us.' He said in his alpha tone. 'Sweetheart, please tell me what can do to fix this, fix us? You flinch when I come near you, scream when I touch you, get scared when I stand in front of you, I know what I did was wrong but please don't act like this. I am sorry!' alpha said in a pleading tone and my mother started sobbing right away pleading him to get away from her. He finally backed away. I rushed towards mom and hugged her. She hugged me back and said,'Caleb!'

It hurt me to see my mother like this and the culprit was in front of me. 'Look what you did. Finally she was starting to act normal and her health was improving and you had to come and ruin it.' I yelled at him.

'I was trying to talk with my mate.' alpha said. 'She is only my mom. Not your mate.' I said to him.

'A mate is someone you respect, love, care about. You never did that. You only screamed at her, tortured her, forced her to accept you. You killed her entire family in front of her eyes and you expect her to love you! Let me tell you alpha, you never loved my mom because you never valued even as a person, you don't respect her, bacause you never respected women on general. You were successful, you made my mother from a strong, lively, witty, intelligent witty women, into your personal plaything. You broke her alpha, you broke her and now she is dying  only because of you!' I said and ran towards my mom's room again. I threw the flowers he had brought for her in the dustbin.

My mom got up and looked a little better. 'Caleb, honey.' she said stroking my hair. 'Do you need something?' I asked her. She said no.

'Sorry about what happened earlier with your dad.' she said. 'It was not your fault mom and he is not my dad.' I said to her. 'Happy birthday honey.' my mom said to me. 'Thank mom.' I said to her with tears in my eyes. 'Do you want me to make a cake for you?' she asked. 'I want you to just get better mom.' I said. She smiled at me. 'I can't believe you are aldready fifteen. In three years you will become an alpha. You will find your mate, my daughter in law.' she said.

'I don't want a mate mom.' I said to her. 'Why honey?' she asked me. 'I just don't.' I said to her. 'A mate is the most precious thing Caleb. You are supposed to love her, respect her. She will help you become a even better alpha. She will support you.' my mom said. I just looked at her and sighed and laid down my head on her lap. 'There is nothing like love that exists mom.' I said on the back of my mind.

Six months later

I looked at the grave and broke down. My mom had passed away. In the end she completely gave up, she couldn't fight with her own demon's anymore. Her words, 'You are the light of my life, Caleb' kept on ringing in my head. Open your eyes mom, I need you. Please don't go away. I felt like crying out loud. I left the funeral and walked into my room to calm myself down. The door of the room opened and heard the alpha say, 'Son.' I turned around and said, 'DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME SON. I AM ONLY MY MOM' S SON. NOT YOURS. THE FACT THAT I HAVE YOUR BLOOD FLOWING IN MY VEINS DISGUSTS ME. DON'T COME HERE TO IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ME. IT WAS NEVER THERE FROM THE BEGINNING. THE DAY YOU SLAPPED AND DRAGGED MY MOM INTO YOUR ROOM IN FRONT OF ME WAS THE DAU YOU LOST YOUR RIGHT TO CALL ME SON. GO AWAY!' I screamed at him. He looked at me and had tears in his eyes but I don't feel sorry for him. At all. He deserved what he was getting.

'On your eighteenth birthday I will leave this pack, forever. Take care if it. I won't get in your way or talk to you anymore. Sorry. Just one last thing Caleb, don't do the same mistakes that I did.' He said to me.

'I'd I had the power I would have put you in jail, alpha. But anyways, I don't think I will listen to you, because I will nor have a mate anyways. But one valuable lesson I learned from you which you taught me through your actions was never disrespect or raise your hand on a women. That is never a sign of 'Love' or anything. It just displays the pathetic person you are.' I said to him.

(Flashback ends)

The old alpha kept his word and left. I took over after that. I made a strict rule that day that whoever forces their mate or uses violence against their mate will face his entire life in the cells as I did not any other women to go through what my dear mom went through.

That day I also promised myself to not fall in love but now........ I admit.....i am falling for you aurora. I thought clutching my chest to slow down my beating heart.

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