Fiction IV

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I'm Never Swimming At Night Again

The family stepped out of their rented car. Elizabeth looked up at the immense Italian resort where they would be staying for the upcoming week. It felt as if the warm yellowish walls and the soft ocherous roof tiles were inviting the family in. Palm trees were planted on either side of the entrance and formed an archway above it.

The car door slammed shut behind Elizabeth, and her father pulled their suitcases out of the car. He set them down on the ground. He called Elizabeth's brother, Ethan, over to assist him.

Elizabeth's mother went up ahead so she could check-in. Soon after, the rest of the family arrived.

Elizabeth slumped into one of the numerous seats in the reception. She let out a hefty sigh. The long-drawn car journey had done a number

on her, and all she desired was a nap.

Elizabeth stared at the ceiling fan and was about to close her eyes when Ethan poked her stomach. His head popped up in her view. "We're going to unpack sleepyhead. I planned to leave you here, but mom was against it. So, get your ass moving."

A groan erupted from Elizabeth as she stood up. Her brother grasped her hand and dragged her to the elevator. Their mom and dad stood in front of it, waiting for their arrival.

They all went up to their rooms. Ethan strolled in front of Elizabeth for they would share a room for the following week. She noticed the cosy beds on the left. Elizabeth headlock Ethan and they both fell on the neatly folded blankets.

Ethan clutched her arm, striving to breathe. "Get off of me you little twat!", He gasped for air when he jabbed Elizabeth. Elizabeth smirked at him. "Let's just start unpacking. We're not going anywhere today considering the sun is already setting."

"But I want to do something." Elizabeth pouted.

Her brother looked at her oddly."You almost fell asleep a second ago. Where did the energy come from?" Elizabeth shrugged before throwing her suitcase open.

"Look, I'm done unpacking. Let's explore the resort!" Not a moment later, Elizabeth stormed out of the bedroom. Ethan facepalmed before running after her.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Ethan asked. His sister's strawberry-red curls bounced around while she ran down the corridor. She took a sharp left, and he followed. Ethan didn't get a reply from Elizabeth until she finally slowed down.

Elizabeth gasped for air. "Well, exploring is supposed to be interesting," She took a second to regain her composure, "and it's less exciting with a map."

"You dumbass, now we don't know where we are! Maybe we're not even supposed to be here." Ethan whisper-yelled the last part. He looked around for any kind of sign or picture that would point out where they were.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth came across a tattered and torn sign with 'SWIMMING POOL' in bold letters. "Look, Ethan. I guess we're near a swimming pool." Elizabeth showed him the sign.

"Doesn't look all too inviting to me." He said before moving down the hallway. Elizabeth copied him inaudibly.

The siblings strolled through the unfamiliar part of the resort, which was everything. The doors looked old and dingy, spiderwebs were spun in the edges, and the illumination was bad. All in all, the place resembled hell.

Elizabeth felt uncomfortable. She clasped Ethan's sweaty and gross hands to calm herself. Ethan took note of this but didn't shake her off. Together they walked until they reached a dead-end.

"Seems like we have to turn around. We probably should have done that from the start." Ethan spun around, but the tight grip of Elizabeth wouldn't let him walk away. He sighed frustratingly, "Why aren't you coming?" He asked her.

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