Riddle IV

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Riddle I:

There was a man who lived on the 14th floor of a high-rise apartment building. One night, he came home very late. He got into the elevator and pressed the button for his floor. The button lit up, the doors closed and the elevator began to ascend.

Just then, the button for the 8th floor lit up. "I guess someone else is getting on." is what he thought before it struck him. He pressed the stop button for the nearest floor and stepped out at the 3rd floor.

He went out of the building and didn't come back until the next morning.





The buttons only lit up when someone is inside the elevator.

Riddle II:

I often use the subway to go to work. One day I was waiting for the train, I noticed a homeless man standing in a corner of the subway station, muttering to himself as people passed by. He seemed to be begging for spare change.

A fat woman passed by the homeless man and I distinctly heard him say, "Pig". Wow, I thought to myself. This guy is insulting people and he still expects them to give him money? Then a tall businessman went by and the homeless man muttered, "Human". I couldn't argue with that. He was obviously a human.

The next day, I arrived early at the subway station. I decided to stand closer to the homeless man and listen to his muttering.

A thin, haggard-looking man passed in front of him and I heard the guy mutter, "Cow". The man was much too skinny to be a cow. He looked more like a turkey or chicken kind of guy to me. A minute or so later, a fat man went by and the homeless man said, "Potato".  I thought he called all fat people pig.

That day, at work, I couldn't stop thinking about the homeless guy and his behaviour. I kept trying to find some logic or pattern to what he was saying. Perhaps he has some psychic ability, I thought. I observed the homeless man many times and began to think my theory was right. I often heard him calling people things like "Rabbit" or "Onion" or "Sheep" or "Tomato".

One day curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to ask him what was going on. As I walked up to him, he looked at me and said "Bread". I tossed some money into his cup and asked him if he had a psychic ability.

The homeless man smiled and said, "Yes, indeed. I do have a psychic ability. I obtained it years ago. But it isn't what you might expect. I can't tell the future or read minds."

"Then what is your ability," I asked eagerly.

"The ability is merely to know the last thing someone ate."

I laughed because he realized was right. The last thing I had eaten for breakfast was toast.

Did you notice the horror in the story?






The businessman had eaten a human.

The businessman had eaten a human

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