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"Are we waiting for one?"

Caitlin looks up from her phone as she checks the time. "Um, yes. He is on his way, he tends to be late."

The waiter nods his head and gives a slight smile, "Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?"

"Water is fine, for both," Caitlin smiles as the waiter leaves her sight. She looks back at her phone then lets out a long sigh. Her nerves getting the best of her. She tries just about everything to calm herself. She bites her lip and runs her fingers through her hair to massage her scalp. She closes her eyes and controls her breathing. Why am I so nervous to tell him? He will be happy. Right? I mean I'm married for goodness sake. What's the worse that can happen?

Her thought process is interrupted by the sound of chuckling. "Oh, this can't be good if you're performing Caitlin's calming routine."

She lets out a soft giggle with an eye roll. "And where have you been mister? You are late."

"By what, five minutes?" The siblings smile at each other and engulf in an embrace. "I've missed you, Caity."

"And I've missed you, Ollie" she leaves a hand on his shoulder to give her a comforting squeeze.

"So what brings my prodigal sister back home to star city?" Oliver asks as he takes a seat across from Caitlin.

"As I told you on the phone, I came for a doctor's appointment."

Oliver arches his brow, "You expect me to believe that story." He shakes his head, "You did not travel 600 miles for some doctor's appointment."

Caitlin looks away from him as the waiter appears with the drinks. "Are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?"

Oliver looks at him, "We'll have the Queen special,"

"We don't have that-"

"Yes, you do. Your chef will know what to do." He crosses his arms as he continues to stare at the waiter.

"I'm sorry sir but-"

"Do my eyes deceive me? Oliver and Caitlin Queen back in my cafe?" The owner smiles wide as she walks up to their table.

Caitlin smiles back with a small wave. "Nice to see you again, Ms. Shepard."

The late-sixty-year-old owner gives the siblings a tight hug, "I haven't seen you guys in here since your high school days."

Caitlin smiles, "Yeah, it's been a while."

"It's good to see you again Nora," Oliver smiles.

"You two need to come back more often," she smiles back then turns to the waiter, "tell the chef to whip up a Queen special, he'll know what to do."

Oliver gives the waiter a smug look as he walks away, then turns his attention back to the women in front of him. The trio continues to walk down memory lane by retelling stories of the many different visits to the cafe. From Sunday brunches as children to first dates and late-night visits. When their food arrives, Ms. Shepard leaves the siblings to enjoy their meal.

"Being here, makes me wish I had a time machine to go to those simple times," Caitlin says as she leans back on her seat, stuff from the food.

Oliver wipes his mouth with a napkin, "Life was easier then."

Caitlin sighs and nods her head, "Yeah, for sure."

"Which brings the question back up, why are you here?" Oliver crosses his arms and looks at her waiting for the right answer.

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