Chapter 10

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December 21st

"The snow has finally stopped," Elijah said as he looked out of the window.

Katherine had just put on her shift before she grabbed her corset and walked up behind him. Elijah spent the night showing her the joys of passion and pleasure. As promised, he did not take things too far. How I wished he did, she thought. It didn't seem possible that she could feel this way about someone besides him.

She reached out and laid her hand gently on his shoulder. He turned to her and lightly stroked the wound on her head.

"Does it still hurt you?" He asked.

"Not when you do that," she replied. He smiled at her statement and her cheeks heated. She cleared her throat. "It appears I need help with my corset. Do you mind assisting?"

He got a heated look in his eyes. "It would be my pleasure."

He went to work with the laces, taking his time. She knew he was trying to prolong this as much as possible. "And the dress? Do you need help with that as well?"

Katherine smiled at his eagerness. She was going to miss this. "Yes, please."

He went to retrieve her dress and she watched him closely. She thought about how she got here and wouldn't change a thing. She would have willingly been attacked by highwaymen if it meant she had this time with this man. Elijah. He started back towards her and she met his stare. She would never forget what he looked like. She would never forget what his touch did to her. It would probably haunt her dreams forever.

He got inches from her and met her stare with concern. She didn't even know a tear fell from her eye until he brushed it away.

"What troubles you, Kitten? Do you have regrets about what happened?"

She gave him a sad smile. "No, never."

He let out a long breath. "Then I fear it is the same thing that troubles me." He placed a gentle kiss to her lips, and she sighed against him. "It seems unfair, does it not? That two people like us are being ruled by things we cannot control?"

"Life is unfair, Elijah." How true that was.

"I want you to know, I will be thinking of you. Always."

"And I you." Katherine grabbed her dress and walked past him. "We better hurry. The snowstorm has stopped, and someone might stumble upon us."

Elijah watched her as she put her dress on. He thought about the man who would be doing this every day with her. Kissing her, touching her, or watching her dress. The man that would bicker with her sharp tongue. It made him feel ill inside. Needing some air, he walked out of the front of the cabin. Even though he was in the great open space of the forest, he felt like he was trapped and couldn't breathe.

The sound of a horse neighing drew his attention and he walked towards it. He was worried about another highwayman and Katherine's safety. He saw the man on a horse drawing closer and he let out a sigh of relief when he recognized William.

"Elijah!" William exclaimed as he approached him. He jumped off his horse and hugged his best friend.

"Your mother has been so worried. You have no idea what I have gone through these past days."

"Elijah?" Katherine called from the cabin.

"Who is that?" William asked with curiosity.

Panic struck him and he looked desperately at William. "William, you can't tell her who I am. Please, I beg of you. She can't know that I'm the duke."

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