Chapter Eleven

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The wedding is over, that means I no longer need to stay in Dubai. It also means leaving without making amends with Amal. The brief but impactful encounter with my cousin that happened a few weeks ago did take a toll on me, to be honest. I could hear the hurt in her voice and it made me feel like a monster that I was the reason of her pain that I inflicted years ago. She tried to be strong. If I were to go back in time, I would. Just to make sure that what happened at the wedding never happens.

My next swimming event is next month. I have done little to no training due to the heavy feeling in my chest, feeling like it doesn't matter anymore. I mean swimming was my only escape, but now it feels like a harsh reminder of what I gave up to be the best swimmer. I think of what I did to Amal. Every time I think about it, it grows in magnitude the hurt I caused her. I realize every time that it was really the cruelest thing to do. She will never forgive me, I don't want her too. I just want to make things right and be there for her now when I can. But even that is impossible. It feels like the most impossible task there ever was.

Zara is meeting me at the hotel's restaurant for lunch. After weeks trying to find her and getting in contact with her she finally reached out again. I want to know more about her, not everyday a stranger approaches you and claims to be family. It happens to celebrities often. But I don't think this is one of those cases.

While I waited in the restaurant, I ordered ahead. Ordering a drink, and some starters. She arrived thirty minutes late, that didn't bother me as much. To be honest I am just glad she came. I stood up to greet her, and as she sat down on her sit as did I. "I am glad you could make it," I said.

"I just came so you can finally stop bothering me," she said in a snarky way.

"You approached me out of no where claimed to be my cousin and just disappeared. For a moment I thought you did magic for a living." I laughed at my own not-so-funny joke.

"If that was your attempt at a joke. Try harder."

"I see someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed," I told her.

"Yes of course that old saying." She rolled her eyes and placed the napkin on her lap. "I want to order." She gestured her hand and waved to the waiter. Zara ordered for a cheeseburger with fries, I ordered for a fish fillet with rice. The waiter walked away and we continued talking.

"Are you okay?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yes I am fine." She replied, and shifted her gaze to the table.

"You don't look fine Zara," I admitted.

"It shouldn't concern you. I know why you called me here Imad. You want to know if I am really your cousin and I am. I can prove it in so many ways. But I think the real reason you called me is because you wanted someone to talk to," she spoke.

"I believe you." I said, taking in all she had said. "Not necessarily. What makes you think I don't have any friends." She presses her lips tightly, like she was trying to swallow back her words. But that didn't stop her from expressing her opinions.

"You don't have friends Imad. Your only friend is your manager, and yet you still treat him like a stranger. You cut ties to all your friends years ago, might I add family as well," She spoke matter-of-factly.

"And still that's not my reason to why I called you here." There was some truth to her speech, but I was not going to admit it. She already had the upper hand as she knew things about me. And I knew nothing about her.

"Then what is?" She asked.

"I want to get to know you." She squinted her eyes and laughed.

"Is this a date?" She asked surprised and amused.

"No it's not. I just want to know you. I mean you seem to know everything about me and everyone in the family. I like mysteries."

"So I am but a mystery to be solved. Well it seems we have something in common already. Mystery. Solve me this, Why does Amal Damari no longer speak to you or of you," she spoke leaning in and placing her hand on her cheek. Posing as if intrigued. "I met with her some time last week and she never even mentioned your name not once. It's interesting because you were raised together. She's a sweetheart, you must have screwed up big time."

"I don't want to get into that." I told her.

"Okay I will respect your wish," she replied. "As long as you respect mine."

"After today we are never to meet again," She said, emphasizing on Never.

"Why?" I asked, looking into her eyes. Trying to find something. Anything to give her away.

"Because I am engaged. My fiancé wouldn't approve of us frequently meeting up."

"Oh I see. That's why you didn't reach out again. Makes sense. So he doesn't know you are here?"

"He does know. I don't keep secrets from him. I bet you'd know, that when you love someone you don't keep secrets from them. It would be like putting a strain on the relationship. You have been in love or am I just talking a foreign language."

"I have." She smiled and shook her head. "What?"

"Oh nothing. I just didn't assume you were a romantic per say."

"I didn't say I was. All I am saying is that I know how it is to be in love."

"Amal?" She asked. I smirked.

"This is a mystery not even you can solve." I told her. "Is your fiancé in Dubai?"

"Yes he is. He is the one who brought me here after we got engaged. He understood my need of getting to know my estranged family."

"Seems like a nice guy," I said.

"He is."

"Where is he from ?"

"America," she said. "We went to the same university."

"In America." I added.

"Uh yeah. I am from Pakistan and he accepted me nonetheless. I was born and raised there."


"What is it?" She asked.

"Nothing. So when is the wedding?" I asked her.

"After this trip." She replied, and smiled.

"I wish you all the best Zara. I will be leaving soon."

"I too wish you all the best." She said.

"Thank you." I replied. Once the food came, we ate and she left before finishing her meal. Saying that she needed to leave because it was some sort of emergency. She checked her phone and her whole mood changed, like a wave of worry and sadness had consumed her.

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