Chapter Twenty Two

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"Why is nobody answering the door bell?" I yelled, as I made my to the front door. The bell has been rang for the last five minutes and no one has answered it, my father is sitting in garden, reading the Quran, so he couldn't have heard and Amal is somewhere. I was in the my fathers office, nostalgic and reminiscing over the photos from the album my mum made for family photos. I can't say holding back my tears was easy.

When I opened the door, I definitely did not expect the person who stood in front of me. My heart beat immediately escalated and my eyes widened at the sight of him. It's Imad. A boyish smile plastered on his face and his hands held back, standing up straight and tall. I look at him for a while not sure what to do next or what to say. Like my mind took off and it's just my heart present and can't fully make a decision. I gulp, than my hand slips from the door handle, I glance at the door handle and back at him.

"Surprise?!" He said, in an unsure tone.

"Definitely surprised." I reply and step back. "Come in." I instructed him.

"Oh these are for you." He says, revealing the flowers he hid behind his back and handed them to me. "I didn't want to come empty handed. Well I saw them, and I remembered how much you love flowers..."

"Thank you." I took them, and walked back in. He picks up his suitcase and enters the house.

"I never thought I'd ever be able to come here. After..." He puts down his suitcase and closes the door.

"Well you are now." I say and walk away. "I am sure you don't need a tour, or maybe you do, it has been a while."

"Anisa." He calls my name, and I turn to look at him.


"I am sorry." He says.

"For what?" I asked.

"For whatever I did to make you angry and well for not coming to see you sooner."

"Apology accepted." I said and walked towards the stairs.

"You know on my way here I was worried about us..." I stopped and turned around to walk towards him.

"Imad I have been in a coma for four years. I have also been worried about us since I woke up, you're the one who's actually been in the real world. Living and evolving." He deciphered what I tried to say quick.

"But I promised you..." He says in a low tone.

"You didn't know if I was going to wake up."

"I knew you were. Because you promised me too and I know how much you hate breaking your promises."

"What now?" I asked.

"I want to marry you as soon as I can." He says plainly.

"Its not that easy and you know it." I told him.

"I want to be with you. What's so complex about that?" He spoke, stern and in a modulate tone.

"It's been four years. You've changed."

"How do you know that? And anyway the decision I made four years ago hasn't changed even if I have. And I wanted to tell you this face to face."

"What if you don't lo..."

"Oh don't say that. Of course I still do. I love you, like Anisa. Everything that you are."

"Well I love you, like Imad. But..."

"No buts..." he walks towards me. "I have missed you."

"I missed you too." I said. "Dad is in the garden. You should go greet him."

"Yes I was looking forward to that. And Amal? I have a lot of apologizing to do and reconciling."

"It's become apparent, you do." I replied.

"Imad." Our attention averts, Amal comes down the stairs. "Welcome back." She said and walks towards the kitchen.

"Thanks." He says and starts to walk, towards the kitchen as well. As we all walk in the kitchen, my father enters the kitchen from outside, the garden.

"The three musketeers. Is there a reunion I was not invited too?" He spoke, with a pleasantry tone. I laugh and smile after.

"Assalam Alaykum Uncle," He goes over to my father and hugs him.

"Waalikum salam Imad. Glad to have you back home." He says as they part from the hug. Amal gets her bottled juice from the fridge and walks out of the kitchen.

"We should have dinner today." Imad suggests.

"That sounds like a good idea." My father replied.

"Yah I suppose." I said. "I'll go um inform Amal." I rush out the kitchen and start my search for Amal. She's probably in her bedroom or the television room. I checked both and she wasn't there. Finally I found her, at the balcony, at the end of hallway. I walked onto the balcony, she was reading a book. I sat on the chair next to her, and sighed. Kept quiet thinking about Imad and his abrupt return into my life, his speech resonates in my mind, bringing up old memories from back then, where things were less tricky.

"What are you thinking about?" Mal asks and keeps her book on the coffee table.

"My life."

"So profound." She commented and smiled. Turned her head to look at the scenery, orange and red clouds, so furious yet so calming.

"There's something you need to know. But please don't be mad at me, just listen."

"I'll try my best." She says.

"Imad and I, we are a thing."

"Like in love?" She asks, sounding not so surprised.

"Uh yeah and four years ago we were supposed to get married, and announce it when we were all together."

"I am definitely shocked but not surprised. I guess I understand why you would hide it from me. But you didn't need too. I am your sister, and well I'd do about anything for you."

"I know and I feel guilty for hiding it from you, especially from mum. I wanted to... But I held myself back because... I don't even remember why."

"I think mum knew, she always knew stuff. I'd like to assume it's more fun as a secret than it is being known and I would have made fun of you for sure. Amad." She said and giggled like a little girl.

"If she knew that would be good. I am sure you would have. I must say, I didn't expect you to be so understanding."

"Well Anisa it has been four years, you have a lot of catching up to do. As I have said previously."

"It seems so."

"So what are you going to do now?" She asked. "Are you still going to marry him?" The question kept ringing in my head, growing louder and louder like it was suppose to construct an answer the louder it got.

"It's complicated." I finally replied.

"How so? You are in love with and him with you. Where do the complications come in?

"It's been a while. What if we aren't compatible anymore?"

"Well I can't guarantee that he hasn't changed but if you let him go without finding out... you'll always wonder what if."

"I would hate to live with that question."

"And that's no way to live." She concluded and got up from the chair.

"You're right. And Imad suggested we go out  for dinner tonight."

"I am choosing the restaurant." She said and left.

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