9: Wake Is At Maryland

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Five days post-show and the attention has yet to die down. Even when I tweet non-Harry related stuff, fans flood me with questions like am I going to another show of his, what happened when I got rushed to the private room, and has he been in contact with me since—like that's ever gonna happen. Psh.

Because of this, I am currently in a dilemma of whether or not to post the recreation-themed video I'd finished editing. It seems that the louder I get on social media, so do his fans, nevermind if it's related to him or not. Everyday, every hour I get mobbed with questions about him like I even knew the guy. We talked at his concert, it was no big deal. (Well, it was a big deal for me, but honestly, nothing happened after that.)

Brandon, yet again, is filming a video for his channel, and this time it's about Mom's Tinder and Bumble dates. He even went to the extent of bringing in our grandfather—extra, I know—to get to comment on Mom's dating.

When he'd asked my take on it, I'd given him my honest opinion: it didn't bother me. She's fifty, divorced from Dad, and wants to date. Maybe she feels lonely from being around us so much or something and just wants new people to hang around with—no problem. She had always been some kind of extrovert, Claudia and Brandon even got that from her.

I remember growing up, it was always easy for my siblings to gain some friends. They had this vibe around them that just makes you want to come up and say hi. I had that kind of vibe too, it just kind of . . . dwindled down after high school. Hey, not a problem either. I rather enjoy the shut-in life.

"I'm gonna get a hot ass guy that doesn't want kids," I perk up at the Mom voicing out her qualifications, she goes on, "doesn't want to get married, will treat me kindly, be honest, has integrity, has respect for me—"

"Mom," I cut in, "he doesn't exist!"

Silence. Then she agrees, "I know."

"That's in the movies, you can watch movies, like me. You're gonna be fine."

Something must've shown in Mom's face because Brandon lets out a chuckle. It was so much fun riling Mom up. She had always been so easy to piss off.

Mom continues rambling about typical fairytales that just doesn't sit with me, all this talk about princes coming in, happy endings. Ugh.

"Yeah, and he fųcking destroys the princess with his stupid ego," I finish for her.

She pauses before asking, "What fairytale was that?" This made Brandon and I erupt in loud laughter. "Seriously, did I miss something?"

"You don't need a man," I tell her.

She pins me with a look that's meant to be condescending. "Nobody needs a man, Kennedy."

"I know that better than anyone," I shoot back, earning chuckles from everybody, including Nick and Cory—Brandon's best friends and cameramen/editors.

Yeah, it was a mess.

Claudia's seated beside me in her yoga pants and cropped hoodie, barely paying attention to Brandon. We've finished filming by the way, and are just lounging around. Mom and our grandpa (whom we call Pop Pop) were by the kitchen, eating up something Mom cooked.

I'm in the middle of scrolling through my messages when one notification slid down from the top of my screen, making my heart skip two beats.

Direct message from Harry Styles

I bring my bare feet flat on the floor and right myself. Fųck. Okay Kennedy, don't freak out. It might just be a fan account with Harry Styles as their name. I can feel my breaths come in a lot shallower and uneven.

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