38: How Do You Feel?

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Three things: 1.) Sorry for updating so late. I had been struggling to word this chapter out.  2.) There are only two chapters left after this one.  3.) This fanfiction site has been stealing Flicker. It's called truyen4u or something. I'm trying to figure out how to get it taken down. If anyone here knows how, please send me a DM. Help a sis out. 


Are you fucking kidding me? Kendall Jenner?

I feel Claudia stiffen beside me, for sure spotting the world-class model on the couch. Claudia wraps her fingers around my elbow and then leans in to whisper. "You know I will fight anyone for you, but I have a hunch this girl's lawyers will bleed us dry for assault."

"Don't be silly," I whisper back, eyes on Kendall and her poker-face, "we've got our father's mouth, haven't we?"

Claudia snickers as a response before standing a little straighter like I am. Harry blocks my line of sight when he moves towards us, the look on his face soft and full of relief. He's only a step away when he directs his attention to my sister.

"Claudia," he starts, appearing contrite, "the bedroom is available for you to take, should you need some rest."

She runs a hand through her hair. "It's that obvious, huh?"

"No, no," Harry laughs, too breathy to be real—almost like he's on uncharted area and is trying very hard not to overstep. "From experience, flights to California can be... difficult."

"It was. And since arriving, we've seen some pretty disturbing sights."

It doesn't escape both Harry and I's notice when she says that pointedly, looking at Kendall. I resist the urge to snort.

Exhausted and jet-lagged Claudia really is a force to be reckoned with.

Kendall straightens up, the knees on her long legs locked and bringing her up to her full 5"10. "Claudia, is it? Hi, I'm Kendall, and while I would like to match your level of catty, I'll have you know that I am not here for any other reason than helping Harry, so if you could kindly make those judgy eyes go away please."

We stand still, stunned at her outburst. But personally, more so at the fact that she had remained completely stoic and calm through it. Classy. That had definitely earned her points in my book. But still, they had dated. They'd dated, and they've asked the help of one another for publicity stunts, and now she's here, in his hotel. Had I not come, would Harry have told me?

"Ken, please," he tells Kendall, a look passing between them which immediately makes me wrap my heart in cold and hard cement.

She shrugs. "I'm just clearing the air, just like you should." Then she sets her eyes on Claudia. "Come. Let's give them some space."

Claudia arches her brows at me, silently questioning. I simply nod at her, the knowledge of needing to talk things through with Harry in the back of my mind. That, and because I don't want Kendall to think I'd need a chaperone to talk to Harry—even to fight my battles for me.

So, she follows Kendall through a door, closing it behind them and enveloping Harry and I with silence. The quiet only makes my mind whir with unwelcome thoughts. Why is Kendall here? Had they been getting ready for another stunt? Harry mentioned being in a meeting for hours, hadn't he? What had they talked about?

"I'm glad you're here, angel," Harry says, pulling me out of my reverie. He looks sincere, so light and genuinely delighted that it almost seems like the past few hours hadn't happened.

Flicker 》Harry Styles x Kennedy Walsh {COMPLETED}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum