Chapter sixteen: A dangerous voyage

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In Lucifer's whole and entire life, he had never met Mother Nature. Surely he had heard stories, some saying she was a kind hearted and beautiful young woman while others said she was an old, grumpy prune. The devil kept tugging on Jeremiah's arm annoyed that he was walking so slowly. Or maybe it was because he was slightly dreading to meet Mother Nature. She was the cause of all the natural disasters that occurred on Earth and in Hell, while Heaven had been left untouched so far despite everything being God's fault. This annoyed the devil to no end but he needed to make sure that he kept his cool so he didn't make things worse.

"Human," Lucifer called his attention. Jeremy looked at him curiously and walked a tad bit faster so he wasn't being dragged along the dark streets. "Yeah?" He bit his lip in slight contemplation, "I need a favour." Suddenly Jeremy felt really excited, the devil himself wanted a favour from him? "Of course, anything!" With an afterthought he added, "Well, nearly anything."

The devil glanced at him before continuing to walk with a purpose. The human still wasn't quite sure where they were heading because he'd only been told that 'this needs to stop' which he could only explain as to being the earthquakes and deadly rain. Currently they were rushing down the streets of Hell that now lay abandoned to the nightfall, giving the place an eerie feel. "I need you to make sure that I don't get mad."

"Oh, so like when Amenadiel visited last time?" Jeremy asked.

"Yes, like that," he growled.

"I don't know..." It was quite the responsibility and he wasn't quite sure if he was up for it. Lucifer glared at him threateningly. "Ha... I was just kidding, yeah I'll help." The human chuckled nervously.

"Good," he huffed. "So where are we going exactly?" The devil sighed deeply, "To Mother Nature, she's the reason for all of this so I'm going to kindly ask her to bloody fucking stop this stupid ass shit." Damn, Jeremy thought, well fair enough. "Alright then... So why are we walking? Can't we just use one of those portal things?" It was a seemingly normal question but Lucifer was already in a bad mood— which honestly seemed to be a constant thing— and glowered down at him, causing Jeremy to squeak out a 'sorry'. The devil looked at his innocent face and took a deep breath to calm himself. "She doesn't like people so she lives in the middle of nowhere. Not many people know where she lives and it can be quite dangerous to travel there, but don't worry, I'll protect you." He smirked at the end and gave the startled boy a wink, causing his cheeks to glow in the dark.

"She doesn't live in my realm so we're going to grab a portal located at the end of the town that will take us to the outskirts of Hell. Do not leave my side unless you want to die, understood?" The devil's dangerous aura made the human feel both frightened and safe, knowing nobody would be stupid enough to attack someone like him. "Got it," Jeremy swallowed, his English accent suddenly very thick.

With Lucifer's fast pace, it wasn't long before they reached the portal and he wasted no time with answering the questions that would surely come out the human's mouth at any moment. He opened what looked like a normal door that had been rusted stuck because nobody ever used it. With a harsh tug, the door opened up and a wind immediately blew straight into their faces. "Take my hand, don't let go and, remember, don't leave my side." Jeremy nodded and he felt the devil's warm hand enclose his own before they both took the final step through the portal door. Bright lights blinded Jeremy even when he had his eyes closed and while the devil seemed to be unbothered, he noticed Jeremy struggle and put his other hand up to cover his eyes.

The portal practically spat them out causing the both of them to stumble. Jeremy was temporarily blinded still but he clearly heard Lucifer mutter, "Ungrateful little shit, I give it work and a purpose and it treats us like that."

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