Chapter seventeen: Mother Nature is a vindictive B*tch

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Lucifer's hands were wrapped around the hellhound's head as he pulled the jaw off the head with a sickening crunch. Blood was running out of the bite wound and Jeremy felt tears collect in his eyes, "Am I going to die?" Lucifer threw the head away and looked at the teary eyed boy. "No, you'll be alright," he smiled. "Do you promise?" Jeremy felt incredibly vulnerable and Lucifer couldn't help but melt a little at the sight of a beautiful, young, human boy who hadn't gotten the life he deserved— All because of his Father, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty because of this. "Yeah, I promise. I told you that I'd protect you and I meant it," he whispered back, getting a little emotional.

Lucifer pulled off his t-shirt, showing off his muscled torso, and wrapped the shirt around his ankle. The boy hissed but thanked him none the less. "C'mon, let's go, we're almost there. I'm sure Mother Nature will wrap you up nicely." Jeremy nodded and slowly came to stand with the help of his saviour.

They both glanced around and took in the scenery— Jeremy promptly ignored the mauled and bloody dog head— and saw the most beautiful place either of them had ever seen. Lucifer would even go as far as to say that it was better than the Garden of Eden, which was a magnificent place. Beautiful and luxuriant vegetation surrounded the pair in a sense that showed it was wild but also being well kept with a loving hand. Not a single dead leaf or rotten fruit could be seen as Jeremy remembered the countless times his parents forced him to pick up the old apples and prunes that had fallen to the ground in their small backyard. He almost gagged at remembering the smell of it.

"Look," Lucifer pointed towards a small cottage with smoke coming up the chimney. It looked incredibly cosy and homey, and oddly enough, blended in quite well with the scenery. Hand in hand, the two of them walked and limped over to the cottage. It smelled like pie and wet dirt at the same time. They knocked on the green door and it opened extremely slowly moments later, "Who's there?"

The pair looked at each other and frowned, "Uhm, my name is Jeremiah and this is Luci." Lucifer's eyes narrowed in on the boy but the human hadn't even noticed his slip. "Lucifer," he corrected. Jeremy looked up at him again with a questioning glance; he'd just said that, hadn't he?

"What do you want?" Besides him, Lucifer started growling, clearly loosing his patience. There was only one Lucifer Morningstar, she should show some respect and already know why they were here, since she was the cause!

"You conniving, vindictive, little bitch." Lucifer's opening line sounded. Great. He slammed the door fully open with his fist and barged past the woman and into her kitchen, only grabbing Jeremy's arm at the very last second to drag him in too. "Well, why don't you come inside," she growled sarcastically, her eyes full of fury.

The woman was incredibly tall and had leaves and branches growing out of her head, she looked beautiful but at the same time also quite demented. Was she part tree? Jeremy wondered as he craned his neck to meet her gaze.

Lucifer couldn't care less about her home or looks, the mere sight of her sent his blood boiling through the roof. Jeremy stared at the both of them with wide eyes before he remembered what he had promised the devil only hours earlier:

"I need you to make sure that I don't get mad."

Well that was currently going horribly. "Uhh," was the boy's brilliant answer to defuse the situation. Mother Nature finally glanced down at the human boy for the first time and her eyes seemed to light up the sky, "Ohh you brought a teensy human, how adorable!" She gushed and grabbed his cheeks. Jeremy's whole face turned red instantly as his eyes frantically found Lucifer's, who was looking on with apprehension, his jaw slightly slacked. The human quickly took a step back to get away from the woman, but immediately winched when he accidentally stepped on his bad leg. The woman's eye widened as her eyes snapped to his leg, "Oh, no!"

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