Chapter 21

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"Nathaniel you can't just walk in my class that way! You're very late!" Mrs Felix yelled.

"I'm sorry ma'am." I'm not the type to apologize but I think is the right choice for this situation, Mrs Felix is a horrible English teacher! She hates all of us, Zack, Jack and I, except Christopher, that kid is so different from us and he is the center of attention.

"You and your brothers act like my class was least interesting!"

"No ma'am, I just got a minor emergency." I lied, lying is part of us, you lie you survive.

She rubbed her temples, "next time you're late for my class is detention straight!"

"Okay ma'am." I sat beside Robin my best friend. I focused on her teaching for the rest of the class, I didn't want to piss her off again.

I made my way out of class to my locker once English class was over.

"Hey dude!" We fist bump.

"Yo bro sup?" I said as lock my locker.

He lean close to whisper in my ear, "today after school we're having a race, it will be crazy! Man, the winner goes with 500 dollars, we're all with you bro."

"Yeah, that sound cool but I don't care about the money." I ran my hand through my hair.

"I know, you're so popular with the number of race you won, so we need ya! You might be freaking rich! But we're not, your benefit? You'll become more popular." He smiled.

"Not bad but there are risks to take ya know, I might get in big trouble with the filth or my family." I brush pass him as I walk away.

"Dude you're Big J! One of the best biker in town, c'mon! You can't do this to us."

"I can't take that risk for just 500 dollars I've that sum million times!"

"Fine what of Melinda?" He winked.

I turn around to see the girl of my dream, Melinda! I couldn't stop staring, I'm not a girl magnet like Jack or Zack, but one thing is sure the only girl I'm falling for is Melinda, she is exceptional! Brilliant and beautiful.

"Hey Big J!" She wave.

"Hi Melinda," I wave back, she walk pass us and disappeared down the hall.

I turn to face Robin, "first Melinda is not interested in my popularity, I'm only doing this cause I can't miss a race and cause you need that money." I patted his shoulder.

"You're an angel!" He jumped.

"No I'm not! Say that again and I'll change my mind."

"Okay, fine." He raised his hands in defeat.


I left school after soccer practice back home, I raced to my room flipping my cupboard open, I pulled out my black biker outfit which consisted of:
A pair of black booth
A pair of black skinny jeans
A black T-shirt
A black leather jacket
A pair of black cyclist glove
And my favourite sunglasses.

I took a quick shower, and trip on my outfit, I stood in front of the mirror brushing my hair.

"Yo bro you look like hell!" Jack plop on my bed.

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