Chapter 22

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What the hell?!
Ten feet away from me stood a cop car. I have no choice than to slide or it will hurt bad. My heart is beating like a drum roll and I'm sweaty. I'm not sure I can make it, I've never been faced to such situation before! I'm gonna crash and I would die. God please help me.

I pulled the handlebars and slide, I rolled out of the bike on the grass as fast as I can while the bike ran straight under the car. The cop hopped out just in time to save his life.

Some filth ran up to me checking every inch of me. "Are you alright young man?"

"I am fine! Maybe if you didn't pack that damn thing right in front of me I wouldn't have been ejected like this!" I yelled as I was handcuffed, this is it I'm so screwed!


I was put in jail as I waited for Fred, I was not impatient to go home not worried either just emotionless, baffled and shaken to the skull, I could've died this night! Just some bruises but I'm still alive and I'm shaking slightly.

"Your guardian is here to pick you." The cop said as he unlock the door, I followed him to where Fred was waiting, he looks worried than angry.

"Are you alright?" He hurried to me, checking every inch of me.

"Yeah?" I wasn't expecting this at first usually Father would be seriously pissed. Why is he different?

His brown eyes turn darker as he glares at me, I quickly understood, but didn't let myself be intimidated by his gaze, father have worst glare than this, if I could take his cold gray eyes I can take Fred's too but only father have never been ask to bail me out of a big mess involving the filth.

We silently walk to the car, he drove off in pure silence till we were home. He got out of the car and so did I.

"Go to your room I'll be right there." He said.

I stomp to my room and slam the door, why am I angry? I don't know but I'm so piss at Fred, this will only be worst if I don't cool off.

After fifteen minutes, I heard a soft but firm knock then my door was flip opened letting Fred in.

"Do you mind to explain?" He shut the door.

"Explain what?"

"The motorcycle! The police! Your lie! Everything!"

"I have nothing to tell you!"

"Yes you do! Why did you lie to me? Who gave you that bike? How long have you been doing this?"

"Why do you fucking care? Is my life! I can do whatever I want with it!" I yelled.

"Nathaniel Stephen Jackson this is no way to talk to me! I deserve your respect!" He yelled.

"I don't fucking care! You can't control my life!" I yelled again.

"Yeah I can't control your life but I can try to make it better before it's too late!" He unfasten his belt, I've seen this scene millions of time, that it left me indifferent, I was always getting in trouble and severely belted by father I'm so used to it now.

"Bend over the desk Stephen!" He instructed, I did just as he said I hate prolonging anything.

"To say I'm disappointed is an under stament, first you lied to me! Then you got a secret bike and kept it secret from everyone. Only God knows how long you've been doing this! Then you race with some outlaw radicals and impertinent teenagers, you could have gotten seriously hurt or worst jailed for breaking the law! This rebellious attitude of yours is unacceptable! Your younger brothers look up to you as their model! You can't go around messing your life and yelling at my face when I'm trying to help you!" Each sentence came with a lash from the belt, it stings and hurts but I stood my ground.

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