Not Anymore

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A/N: Freebie cause why not my dears~


It was a bad idea the moment Alastor told you he will be fine.

It was just a threat to you because you told Vox you didn't want to be bothered by him again because he was just annoying you with useless task that always got in the way of what you wanted.

Which was to Be with Alastor and stay at the hotel. Of course that didn't work in your favor because in the end Alastor went to take care of it he didn't return for a while.

You went to where Vox like to do his businesses and saw alot of demon fighting about which was nothing new but you ran inside you saw Alastor and Vox standing in a defensive and offensive stance. Alastor being the Offensive one since his eyes was narrowed.

He growls in anger and the static rose higher levels "(y/n) no longer works for you and if you want her then you have to get through me. I suggest you leave her alone or else" Alastor's voice crackled with radio static as if a spark was going off and he sounded threatening.

You stayed hidden behind the cracked open door listening to this. "Why care for such a low life demon as (y/n) she is just one of my workers if she was here she will be beaten for disobeying my orders"

He said degrading you making Alastor's smile twitch and his you notice his Antlers grew suddenly which shocked you and scared you.

"Don't ever speak about (y/n) like that ever again or else you'll wish you never even existed." Alastor said as his voice was full of radio static as if a signal was lost.

Vox smirked "oh don't you see Radio Demon, I am always going to be on top, I had (y/n) first now you want her" he said smugly which only added a short fuse to Alastor.

The deers smile twist into something crazed as he summons his microphone. "You left me with no choice then" was all you managed to hear through Alastor's dial turning and static noises.

Vox goes to open his mouth when Alastor suddenly breaks the demons jaw with a sickening crunch(well his mouth on his TV Screen).

The overlord instantly shoots back with a loud startled yelp, his eyes widen from the Attack Vox knew he had a crack on his screen where he had be punch frowning he watched as Alastor pressed forward.

"Now ladies and gentlemen! I want you to listen very carefully to my little program" Alastor laughs lightly into his mic as he grabs onto the overlord by the head and forces him forward,

"because it is about to get gruesome!"

The overlord lets out a strangled scream as Alastor begins to rip him apart.

The Radio Demon enjoys himself as he listens to Vox scream and plead in broken English his TV face cracked and crush bones moved limply from his body.

"My my my, you are quite a loud one! Alastor lets out a loud cackle of laughter as he tears into the others abdomen.

It isn't long before screams wear into half-hearted gurgles as the overlord in front of Alastor breaths in his last couple lungfulls of breath.

The Radio Demon checks to make sure the others dead before letting out a small tsk as he grabs onto his mic.

"Ah what a shame! It seems are guest for tonight has checked out! Well then let us all say a happy goodbye to the overlord Vox!" And Alastor plays a laugh track behind him before cutting it short,

"It seems with that our show is over folks, have a wonderful day in hell and as always stay tuned!"

He heard whimpers and turned to see you curled in the corner eyes wide with fear. "Darling calm down your safe now"

"W-what was that!? What happens if i make you upset will that happen to me!?" You shivered in fear on the verge of tears

Alastor pulled you in to a tight hug shocking him and yourself as you gasped.

"I will bever hurt you like that and you never make me angry my dear it will be lonely in the hotel without your chirping voice to hear"

"You really mean that Al?" You said shaking violently

"I do my dear now lets go home doll we have to clean up"

You stood up smiling small "thank you so much Alastor"

"Anything for you darling....Anything"


A/N: well thats it hehe hope you liked it

Special surprise for PandaKyoki

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