15. Stick to the same story

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Before I thought we were doomed. But now we are actually doomed.

"How will you travel?" Sage asks, "Your horse is not healed enough to travel a long tedious journey, he must rest."

"That will not be a problem, Leo can take care of Zuri for me, and we can stop in Burnsley and I can buy a new horse,"

This is getting worse and worse, Sage and I were going to pass through Burnsley without much interactions except with the inn. As soon as transfers of money takes place you become remembered much more easily.

"What good thinking," Sage smiles, "we should be leaving as soon as possible if that works with you?"

"Yes, of course," Killian nods slowly, "I shall go speak to Luther and let him know about my change of plans."

Sage and I bow as he walks off and I let out a deep sigh.

"Ell, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know."

I look at the receding back of Killian walking away and my throat tightens. He's definitely not a man to cross.

"Sage, I don't think we're going to be able to walk away from this problem,"

"You mean we actually take him with us?"

I nod, grimacing, "I think it's our only option without drawing way too much attention to ourselves."

Sage lowers his voice, "And are we going to keep you as Leon?"

I pause, I think me staying as Leon is the best way to continue without raising unwanted questions.

"Yes, and we stick to the same story, everything stays exactly how we told it."

Sage runs a hand through his hair.

"This is going to be really difficult,"

"Agreed." I sigh.

"At least though we do have extra protection," he raises he hands up, shoulders lifting, as if offering up the good, "I am slightly concerned that we could run into some bad people,"

"Yeah, and I mean his company wont be all bad," I pull a face, "we hope."

"And hopefully God is looking upon us and blessing us with good luck," Sage adds.

I nod. What ever can help us, or at least give us hope that we can get away with this, is good, whether I believe in God or not.

"We too however, should also grab our things and be ready to move out." Sage says, starting to walk around a tent, "I'm thinking that at our next opportunity, when Killian isn't around, I will need to teach you basic riding, before he gets his own horse and finds it odd that you can't ride."

"Wait, speaking of horses, do you know where ours are?" I glance left and right, not seeing them.

"Leo has been tending to them well, they should be tied up just around here," We round the corner of the tent, and I see that he is right. Griffin and Winnie are both munching happily on a patch of grass, loosely tied to a post and also all tacked, near to them

We both go over and greet them.

"Hello Griffin my handsome boy," He lifts his head and sniffs me, his soft muzzle snuffling at my hand, I laugh "I'm sorry boy, I don't have any food for you."

"But I do!" Chirps up a now familiar voice from behind me.


"I brought them each a carrot, as a goodbye from me," Its then that he notices Sage grabbing the bags and his eyes drop to the ground, "you guys are leaving now aye?" he says, the energy dropping.

Goodbye to the Knight✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora