16. One pound for the three of ye

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We ride in silence for a good amount of time, stopping only once briefly to eat some lunch that consisted of bread, cheese and apples.

"Did you knights stop in Burnsley on your way through?" Sage munches happily on his apple.

"No," Killian gruffly replies, then coughs and begins again, "no, we didn't."

"Ah, when I've stayed at the inn there before, I was treated well and the food and bed was good,"

"That is music to my ears," Killian cuts off a slice of cheese and puts it onto his bread. "I'm in need of a good nights rest, being on the road all the time does not allow that."

I take a sip of water.

"How long have you guys been travelling?"

"Our ship set anchor in Kairosmouth a good few weeks ago where we stayed a few nights stocking up and getting our land legs back."

"Whoa, so you've been travelling for a while. Have you run into any trouble on the way?"

"Not really, we've been treated well going through every village, however a few times we've come across only the remains of one," His eyes lower, "ramsackers had got there and caused carnage."

During the black death, and in the years that have followed, groups all across the country have formed. Known as ramsackers, they go around taking advantage of the plague raiding half dead villages, killing men and using women and children that are left. Although the Earl is aware of the remarkers and often sends bands of knights after them, they're strong and have an alarming amount of numbers.

The plague not only lefts a wake of death but also caused peoples morals to change, we are in an age of desperate times.

"Again thank you for coming with us, it will help me sleep better at night knowing we have someone who is trained to protect."

I nod and smile.

"Honestly, it is my duty to help the poor."

Killian confuses me, surely he must have another motive for helping us. Who is he trying to impress or gain bonus points? I do not trust him.

"I think its time for us to be on our way again," Says Sage.

"You're right, we still have lots to do today."

We pack up quickly and then continue riding, horses energised again after the break. Sage and Killian make casual conversation here and there and by late afternoon we are just outside the the edge of the village.

To get into Burnsley you have to cross the famous arched stone bridge over the wide river, even in Karlo I had heard of this famous bridge, built after one two many people had died crossing the dangerous river. Although it looks very calm, the underneath rapids grasp onto both horse and human feet, sweeping them away easily.

As the horses step onto the bridge I notice a man come out of a little hut based beside the far end of the bridge.

"Greetings travellers, stop right there and what brings you here?" He calls out, not getting any closer to us.

Although his words are friendly and he wears a smile on his face, I notice his a glint of metal shining at me through an opening in his robes. He is armed, but for what reason? Sage and Killian bring the horses to a halt, to show no sign of aggression, they too must have noticed the weapon.

"I am a knight of the Earl," Begins Killian, "here to accompany these lads on their way home. We wish to stop only the night in Burnsley where we are planning to stay at the inn and purchase a horse from a local farmer."

Goodbye to the Knight✔️Where stories live. Discover now