chapter 10

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Friday, March 13th, 2020

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Friday, March 13th, 2020

"I cannot wait for tonight!" Sydney practically squeals, wrapping her around Asher's shoulders.

He gives her a wry look but doesn't bother shrugging her off. "Party of the year," he grins.

"Party of the century," Sydney corrects, raising a finger in the air.

"Sure," Cooper laughs but stops midway when Sydney throws him a glare.

It had been three weeks since my failed attempt to outrun my new-found group and so far, I didn't regret a thing.

Tonight was Sydney's eighteenth birthday party. She had been organising it for months. Somehow, though, she'd kept it pretty quiet around school until late last month when she sent out the invites.

"Hey," Harry says, joining our lunch table.

He smiles at me, giving me a small nod.

He'd been taking me to school every morning for as long as I could remember now. I'd really started to get to know him. The best thing I had learnt was that we shared a similar taste in music, both loving Bon Iver and The Lumineers.

"What's up, dude," Asher says, slapping him on the back as Harry slides in to sit next to him.

Cooper gives him the nod and Kennedy waves.

"Talking about tonight, I'm sure," Harry remarks, tearing open his paper bag, producing a cheese sandwich. One of his favourite meals.

"How did you know?" Cooper deadpans as we all listen to Sydney speak animatedly about tonight's events.

Harry grins but I look away quickly, trying to focus on Sydney. It takes a lot of effort not to stare at his gorgeous face in my periphery.

"So, I need you all to be there early to help set up."

Asher groans and Sydney jabs him in the ribs with her elbow.

"No whining or I won't let you be my beer pong partner, Ash."

Asher looks hurt by the idea of this so he shuts his mouth, scowling at Kennedy as she sniggers next to me.

"You're so immature," Cooper laughs, shaking his head.

"How?" Asher gasps. "I am perfectly mature."

"Yeah, sure," Harry says, wracking a hand through his hair. His bicep ripples slightly and I gulp.

"What the fuck is this? Gang-Up-On-Asher-day?"

I can't help but laugh along with everyone else, quietly sipping my diet coke when Asher points his finger at me.

"Not you too," he whines. "I need someone to be on my side, Lon."

"Sorry," I shrug. "You just make it too easy."

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