chapter 23

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November 11th, 2019

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November 11th, 2019

As always, I'm awoken by the loud, thunderous steps of my stupid brother.

"Nix!" I groan. "Learn to be quiet, please!"

My bedroom door cracks open and I frown at the boy standing before me, a sheepish grin etched into his lips.

"Sorry, sis. I've got footy training."

"And? What does that have to do with anything! I still have twenty minutes to sleep before I have to get ready for school!"

"Well, now you have an extra twenty to get ready," he shrugs.

"I hate you!" I groan, throwing a pillow at him.

He dodges it swiftly, stepping into my room. He strides over to my desk, sitting down on my chair.

"How are you getting to school?" he questions.

I frown at him, rubbing my tired eyes.

"The same way I always do on Monday's when you have training. Millie's mum."

"Oh, yeah. Forgot," he mumbles, wracking a hand through his blonde hair.

I watch the clock as it ticks to 7 am. Fifteen minutes until I have to officially start my week.

"What class do you have first?"

"Um, maths," I answer and then I gasp.

"Crap! I didn't do my homework!" I whine, jumping out of bed.

"Who cares," Nix laughs. "It's not the end of the world you know."

I shake my head at him. "Now I'll have to tell Mr Montgomery I forgot and he won't be happy."

"Do you know what your problem is, Lon? You're too honest. Learn to lie a little."

"Shut up, Nix. I'm not that honest."

"Um, yeah, you are," he scoffs.

"Okay, so maybe I am," I laugh lightly.

I go through my school bag, searching for the maths homework I had been assigned on Friday.

"Anyway," Nix says from behind me. "I better get going. Coach will kick my ass if I'm late."

"Uh-huh," I say, only half listening at this point.

"Have a good day, alright?"

I turn back to him briefly as he walks towards the door, reaching for the handle. "Nix?"

He stills at my voice, turning to face me. He blinks slowly, suddenly apprehensive. "Yeah?"

"Don't forget that it's your turn to cook tonight. Mum left some money on the counter for the supermarket."

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