Chapter Thirty-Four: Ocean Eyes Part One

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I woke up warmer than ever. For a second I was afraid I had a fever, which would then ensue in me being forced back to the hospital. It took me a moment to realize it was Kade's arm slung over my face.

With his right arm under my head and his left arm thrown lazily over my face, all the while tugging me into his chest, I felt like I was being baked in a sauna. Jeeze, did these kids thermoregulate at all?

"Kade." I hissed, poking his side. He jerked away from my finger. A wicked smile slipped onto my lips. My big, scary (and now cuddly) big brother was ticklish? Oh, this would be fun.

I jabbed my finger into his side again, then again and again. He jerked awake, laughs thick with sleep exiting his mouth. I had to laugh along. I hadn't had that much fun waking anyone up in years. Or, possibly ever. 

"Why'd you have to go and do that?" He asked, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hands. I shrugged. 

"Possibly because I think you might need to check your temperature. Are you always this warm?" I asked, putting my hand against his forehead. He felt fine to me so was he always sickeningly hot? 


"I'm fine. And stop worrying about me, Miss 'My Favorite Place Is The Hospital'." Kade said mockingly. I narrowed my eyes, which led him to jumping up from the bed and sprinting down the hall. He knew me well enough to know that I was going to use the information I had gathered. 

We ran down the halls. Heads poked out of doors and shouts told us to slow down. I didn't know why my ribs didn't hurt. Maybe it was because I was so happy. Running around, chasing someone I would happily claim as family in a second, I was really and truly happy. 

When I crashed into a body, the speed at which I was running sent us tumbling down to the floor. I was expecting one of my brothers. I did not get who I was expecting. 

My cheeks reddened dramatically. 

"Hi Carter." I whispered. I felt his chest heave as he chuckled. It was like the fall hadn't even winded him.

That woke me up from whatever dream world I had entered by staring into his ocean eyes. 

Oh, God. I fallen straight into his arms, sent us both to the floor, and then stared at him for a good thirty seconds. He must think I'm an idiot!

The thought had me scrambling to my feet, apologizing when I could get full words to actually exit my mouth. Carter laughed and waved all my apologies away. 

"I did kinda break your ankle when we first met." He gave a small shrug. I laughed. A wave of red rose through his neck to the tips of his ears. So he was shy? Why hadn't I noticed that before?

"So we're even?" I asked. Carter pursed his lips. He looked awfully irritated. Then he let out a heavy sigh before looking at me with that mischievous look in his eyes. 

Were his eyes always that blue? Wow.

"Not quite." He said, then swooped down and picked me up. How did these guys just do that? I could barely do a single chin-up in gym the last time I had been. How did they just lift me into the air like it was nothing? And why did I like it so much?

Most girls in my position would be terrified of guys. Just look at Kas. She was terrified of my brothers and all their friends, even though she knew that they would never hurt me. Even regular little sisters would hate to be babied by their big brothers. 

But me? I loved it. 

"What are you doing? Put me down!" I laughed. I was mentally crying for him to keep me in his arms like that forever, but the logical part of my brain quickly interrupted that train of thought. He couldn't keep me up forever. Not even he was strong enough for that. And who knew exactly how long forever was. Plus, we were both bound to die at some point... 

Yeah, I wondered off track there a little. 

"And why would I do that? A girl as pretty as you?" He asked, making me clap my cold hands to my steaming cheeks. I was surprised he was even over at the house. 

When he finally set me down, much to my displeasure, he explained that his car broke down and he needed a ride from Ethan. I smiled and told him to make himself at home, which was definitely not needed. 

I moved into the kitchen, smiling just a tiny bit at everything that had just happened. My race with Kade was completely forgotten. I was just happy I had crashed into Carter. 

"Goodmorning, Lila." I told her. She was frantically making lunches for the boys. When did she start doing that? We always just bought lunch at school. She turned and faced me with a tight smile.

I guessed it had been some sort of fight between her and my father. 

"Goodmorning, Ariel. Why don't you take today off?" Lila calmly suggested. I wasn't fixing to turn down a day full of sleep, but why was I getting a day off and not everyone else? Probably my ribs. 

"Haven't I already missed enough?" I asked softly, cocking my head at her. She shook her head, her blond waves moving with the motion. I pumped my fist, my face forming into one of the biggest smiles I had ever worn.

I dunno. Something about today... I was just smiling. Everything was going perfectly. 

"Alrighty. I'm going back to bed." I waved at her. She waved at me, and I went on my way. I climbed into bed but my eyelids refused to shut. I had that problem. Once awake, there was no going back to sleep.

It was really irritating on days like this, when I had a chance to get some more sleep and my body refused. 

I turned on Netflix, which Jaydon had logged me into in my room. I started watching my favorite show ever. Well, I had two in place for first. I started watching Supernatural while considering finishing my unfinished episode of Criminal Minds later. I shrugged. I had an entire day off. 

What was I worried about? 

My phone started vibrating out of control. One after another, the vibrations sent shocks through my sheets. It took a little searching through my blankets, but I found it.  

From the way it was buzzing, I expected someone to be calling me. But no. Just a bunch of texts from a lot of people I didn't know. But one thing about them all was in common. 

I'm sorry about your loss.

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