Chapter 10: The Walk

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Later that day Hermione sat in an area that was comfortably small and surrounded by trees, reading. Conveniently Charlie wanted to take a walk, so he decided as he watched from afar, that he would ask her to join him. The red head slowly sneaked up on her, fearing that she wouldn't agree.

"Do you think you could interrupt your reading to go on a walk with me?"

She looked up at him in mild annoyance but decided that he was worth it for her to take a little break.

"I just have to finish this chapter, then sure, I will join you." She began reading again as Charlie admired how fast she read.

Suddenly Hermione closed her book shut, not forgetting of course, to mark the page.

"I am ready, if you still want me to walk with you."

He grinned down at the witch and offered her a hand. Charlie pulled her up after she gratefully grasped it.

"Thank you."

He held onto her hand a little longer than necessary before he placed her hand in the crook of his elbow.

"You know, this was one of my favourite spots." He told her as they began walking.

"Really? Why? I hope you don't mind me sometimes being there."

"I like the quietness and the trees. Somehow nature always seems to be able to calm me down. And don't worry you can read there anytime you want."

Hermione nodded.

They walked in silence for a while and Charlie was debating whether to ask her about Dumbledore or not. He finally gathered his courage; he was a Gryffindor after all.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What happened yesterday? We heard you yelling at Dumbledore and the twins have come up with dozens of conspiracy theories."

Hermione sighed.

"It's not really my story to tell, but you will probably find out soon."

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked in confusion and stopped walking.

"The truth will come out soon enough, secrets never stay hidden."

He stared at her trying to figure out what she was hiding which was making her quite uncomfortable. She needed to change the topic quickly, but she knew that he was too smart to fall for it, so she could only hope that he would let it go.

"What's your favourite non-magical animal?"

He looked confused for a moment but chose to let it go. After thinking for a moment, he answered.

"It's very hard to choose but I would have to say cats. I had one while I was at Hogwarts, her name was Sherlock."

Hermione laughed.

"Like Sherlock Holmes only female?"

"Exactly and she loved investigating too. Sadly, she died during my last year at Hogwarts."

She gasped.

"What happened?" Tears filled her eyes, threatening to escape.

"She was very old." He swallowed.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't imagine ever losing Crookshanks, it would rip my heart apart."

He gave her a sad smile and focused on saying something that would brighten the mood.

"Does he always sit on your shoulder or was that a onetime thing?"

He was probably talking about the photo that was hanging in the living room, which showed the golden trio with Crookshanks sitting on Hermione's shoulder.

She giggled again. Charlie managed to get her from teary eyes to giggling in no time.

"He does it all the time, he loves to look over my head."

They laughed together but sadly the moment was interrupted.

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