Chapter 15: The Plan

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"Anyways." She sighed. "We should discuss the plan, don't you think?"

It was a rhetorical question, still Sirius felt the need to answer.

"Why yes Hermione, that's why we are here isn't it?"

Hermione gave him a look that probably said- of course, stupid- or -are you serious- which he was of course, there wasn't a time when he couldn't be.

"Idiot." She grumbled under her breath.

Remus snorted.

"As you all know, we have to protect Harry and that's why you are all coming with us. Better safe than sorry." She began. "We have two ways to get there, as Mr. Weasley has sat up a floo connection we could floo there, but we don't know whether the Dursleys or someone else barricaded the fireplace or not. If it was closed the muggle way, we could blast the barricades open." She smirked. "Although that would defeat the purpose of intimidating them by portraying ourselves as lawyers and detectives, which was my plan all along."

"We are impressed, Miss Granger." The twins complimented.

She grinned at them.

"The second way is apparating. At the local playground are high bushes that we could apparate behind, we would have to walk to Number 4 Privet Drive which wouldn't take longer than 5 minutes. Once we are there, everybody will have their task. Fred and George, I would love for you to set up some little pranks."

Fred and George high fived.

"Now don't go overboard and don't do anything too horrible and nothing lethal."

They grinned at her.

"Heard that, Forge?"

"Of course, Gred."

"But do me a favour..."

They looked at her expectantly.

"What would that be?" George asked.

"Switch salt and sugar in the kitchen."

Everyone looked at her. Sirius blinked before the pranksters burst into laughter.

"Wicked!" The twins spoke in unison.

"Remus and Charlie will help Harry pack."

They nodded.

"Does that mean what I think that it means, kitten?"

"Yes, Snuffles."

He smirked at her.

"We will be letting of some steam and I will finally get the opportunity to give them a piece of my mind!" A wicked smirk graced her features. "And it won't be pretty."

He smirked back.

"When we get into the house you will just have to follow my lead, I like to improvise. Also, if I am suddenly overcome by a fit of psychopathic rage, you must hold me back, so that nobody gets killed, okay?"

"Do we have to?" Sirius whined.

Hermione glared at him.

"Yes, Sirius!" Remus exclaimed.

He pouted.


Hermione shook her head.

"We apparate back and seal the floo. Any questions?"

"Yes, so by the science of deduction or mere observation I have gathered that Harry is in an abusive household and Professor Dumbledore somehow is forcing him to stay there, I would like to know the following; what kind of abuse is Harry facing? Who is living in the house with him? Are there wards, if yes what kinds? Why is Dumbledore letting him stay there? And what did you tell him to get Harry out of there? Additionally, does Sirius have to transform into a dog while we walk there?" Charlie rambled.

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