Chapter 12: The truth

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I slept peacefully in the most comfortable bed ever. Yes, my bed is lovely at Charlie's, but I have to give that a 8/10 while the Cullen's are 10/10. When I lay down on the bed I nearly passed out. I felt a chuckle and my hair being caressed.

"Ma Reine, it's time to wake up now." Edward whispers and I groaned turned around as I wave my hand motioning him to go away.

"Don't wanna." I whined before slowly falling back to sleep. He chuckles as I felt his hand caress my hair.

"It's 8:30 and Esme is making you breakfast." He whispers softly, but I still whined and covered my face with a pillow causing him to chuckle. I heard a loud slam of the door and an obnoxious shout.

"WAKEY WAKEY!!" Emmett practically screams and jumps as Edward tries to get him out.

"Wake up!" Emmett shouted again and shakes me. I groaned louder before sitting up and glaring at Emmett who backs away quickly.

"Oh god." He whispers.

"1..." I began counting as he shivers.

"2..." I got up as he chuckles nervously and backed away from the room.

"3!" I shouted and he rans as I ran after him.

"I'M SORRY!!" He screams as I kept running after him.

"GET BACK HERE YOU OBNOXIOUS BEAR!!!" I screamed louder as I ran fast before jumping onto him making him fall face first before he could make it out the back door. I crossed my arms frowning while staying on him as I hear footsteps.

"What is going on here?" Carlisle asked and Emmett groans.

"I was waking Blair gently until...He came." Edward explains while I kept sitting on Emmett.

"Can you get her off me? I can't get up."

"Are you calling me fat?!" I asked angrily and I was carried away before I could hit him.

"I am not done with you yet! You here me?!" I shouted angrily as the rest of the Cullens chuckle except for Emmett who stayed face planting on the floor.

Edward sits me down on his lap while he sits on the bed, but I kept frowning. My beauty rest was disturbed.

"Come on, smile for me." Edward tells me, but I stayed frowning. He hums and kisses me softly on the lips, but I didn't respond.

"If your not smiling, the bunnies will come." He warns and I still frown trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Okay, you made me do this." His fingers soon tickles my side as I kept holding, but failed when I began laughing hard. I tried stopping him, but failed too as he kept tickling me.

He stops tickling me and chuckles as I catch my breath. I looked at him and he smiles causing me to smile back.

"There's my girl." He whispers before kissing my lips as I kissed him back. He pulls back and hugged me as I hug him back. I felt his shoulder sag a bit causing me to pull away and look at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he looks down a bit before looking up at me.

"I want to tell you something." He said soft yet serious tone. I nodded my head as he sighs and places me down on the bed before standing up.

"I understand that you might run away, or...get scared of me, but please. I am one of the good guys. Okay?" He kneels in front of me as I looked at him with worry.

"Edward, what's wrong?" I asked and he kisses my hands before looking up at me.

"It's about my family and me." He starts and I looked at him.

"We are...vampires." He tells me as I stared at him before giggling. His face scrunched up into a frown.

"What?" He asked confused causing me to laugh before stopping and kissing his hands giving him a smile.

"Baby, I already know that. When I was with you, I saw your eyes change from yellow to green. Then, when Emmett ram away from earlier, he was a bit too fast for an average human jock and that weird joke you told me about that you would join the academy, but I am not human is a bit weird." I explained to him and he became shock as I laughed at his expression.

"Well..." He starts and stood up making me giggle standing up as well. He smiles and held me close to him as I saw his once green eyes turn yellow making me look at them in awe.

"They're soo...beautiful." I mumbled making him chuckle slightly and hum as he caresses my cheek.

"You are beautiful. Beautiful then any vampire and human that I have met." He compliments causing me to smile at him.

"I would have said the same to you, but in human terms." I smiled and heard a knock on the door causing both of us to back away.

"I'll go change." I giggled and he sighs nodding his head. He kisses me passionately and I returned the same affection before he walks away and left my room.


"Esme, What can I do for you?" I asked Esme as she gave me a smile.

"Breakfast is done." She tells me and I nodded my head.

"Thanks, she's inside changing. And I uh...told her."

"Yes, we heard and apparently she already knew it. You two only met 2 days ago. I thought it might take a week or two." She teases and I groaned slightly.

"Please, don't tease me. I can't help it. We just..clicked when we first met each other." I told her truthfully making her smile and gave me a hug which I returned.

"And that my son is called soulmates. You two belong to one another. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Esme says and I nodded my head smiling as we pulled away.

"Thank you, Esme." I kissed her hands and she smiles patting my shoulder before walking away. The door behind me opens and I turned around to see Blair wearing a white dress with flower designs and white shoes like ankle boots.

"Let's eat? Then I'll show you a beautiful place." I told her and she smiles nodding her head. We both walked downstairs as we held each other's hands.

 We both walked downstairs as we held each other's hands

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