Chapter 14: Swan Rivals

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I woke up the next morning to see Edward had his eyes closed. I knew that he is awake and pretended to sleep just so he doesn't seem suspicious around Charlie or Bella. I gently caress his cheek and gave him a kiss on the lips which he soon returned and kiss me. I couldn't help, but giggle as he chuckles before we pull away.

"Morning, Ma Reine." He greeted.

"Bonjour, Mon Roi." I greeted in french making him chuckle and kiss me again. We didn't hear the door opening until we heard someone clearing their throat causing both of us to pull away and look.

"You two done sucking each other's tongues?" Dad teased making me groan and cover my face in Edward's chest while Edward laughs.

"Breakfast is ready, now get up." He said laughing and closed the door behind him. Max howls from his bed causing me and Edward to look at him.

"Yeah, yeah. We know." I giggled standing up. Max made his way towards me and laid his head on my lap. I scratched his hair and coed as Edward chuckles petting Max as well.

"Come on you two, time to eat." Edward tells us and we both stood up walking out of my room. We walked downstairs and I yawned slightly stretching.

"So, who's red truck on the driveway?" I asked dad as he pointed towards Bella who sighs and ate her breakfast.

"Let me guess, bad taste in trucks or rented at the junkyard?" I joked earning a rolled eyes and smile from dad, laugh from Edward, and a glare from Bella.

"That's enough. Eat your breakfast." Dad chuckles and I smiled sitting down as Edward sat next to me across Bella. Edward began placing meal on my plate as I smiled at him thankfully. Even though food taste bad for him, he still tries to eat them.

While we ate our meal, I saw Bella smirking towards Edward and my eyes went to Edward who was looking rather uncomfortable. I narrow my eyes as I accidentally dropped my fork and went to pick it up. I saw Bella's foot rubbing against Edward's leg so I did one thing. I grabbed her feet and pulled her under the table causing her to move forward hitting her forehead at the edge of the table.

"Ow!" She grunted and I sat back up as Dad went to help her. Edward looked at me and gave a small thankful smile as I winked at him before facing Bella.

"Sorry, thought I saw a bug. It was just the demon's foot." I grinned and stood up to wash my fork. I grabbed a new one and went back continue eating my meal. After I finished, Edward gave Max the rest and took my plate as he placed it in the sink.

"Well, I will be going to work. Behave the three of you. Mostly you Bella." Dad warns and Bella's jaw drops before groaning.

"Bye dad."

"Bye Mr.Swan."

"Bye sweetie, Edwin."


"Edward." He corrected chuckling as Edward did the same. He said goodbye to Bella and Max before leaving. I helped Edward wash the dishes as I dry them with a towel.

"Edward, will you help me unpack?" Bellas offered.

"You know you can do that yourself." I told her and she glares at me, but I ignored it while Max growls towards her making her jump.

"Who brought a mutt to this home?" Bella asked in fear and anger.

"Who brought a hoochie to this home?" I retorted making Edward laugh in silence. Bella groaned loudly and stomped her way up the stairs.

"Don't stomp to hard! You might fall cause of your weight!" I shouted as Edward tries his best not to laugh hard while scrubbing a plate.

"Are you calling me fat?!" She shouted from upstairs.

"Want me to call you a cow instead?" I asked loudly and I hard a loud slam this tome Edward looses and laughs. I laughed to before we both stopped as I took my breath.

"This is the best thing I heard in centuries." He sighs chuckling as I giggled placing the dried plates and silverwares back to where they belong.

"Trust me, there is more to come." I told him as he chuckles.

"I am looking forward to it." He says drying his hand before hugging my waste and kissing my neck gently making me giggle.

"Your tickling me." I told him as he chuckles and kissed my neck again before tickling my side making me laugh hard.

"Stop!" I shouted laughing as he keeps tickling my sides before stopping. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He leans in to kiss me, but the door bell rung making us both pull away and look.

"I'll answer it." I told him and he nods. I walk towards the front door as Max followed me. He sniffs the door and looks at me indicating it was either clear or friendly.

I grabbed the door knob and opened the door to see Jacob Black.

"Jacob! Hey, how are you?" I greeted with a smile as we both hugged each other.

"Hey, flower. I am doing good. What about you?" He asked as we pulled back.

"Swell actually." I smiled and he smiles back.

"Listen, I wanna ask if-" He was cut off when he looks behind me. His smile faded as I looked behind me to see Edward approaching us.

"Oh, Edward this is Jacob." I introduced both of them.

"Yeah, we know each other. Jacob Black right?" Edward asked as I looked at Edward then Jacob who was glaring at him.

"Right and you are Carlisle Cullen's son?"

"Correct." Edward said as I feel the tension building up a lot around the front door while they stare each other down.

"Anyways, what were you going to ask?" I looked at Jacob who looks at me before at Edward then back at me.

"Nothing. Just dropping by to see how your doing, Flower." Jacob says and smiles and I smiled back.

"Oh, well I am doing fine." I told him and I felt Edward's arm wrapped around me as Jacob's eyes went to Edward's hand that was now on my waist.

"Mind if I ask, why are you holding Blair like she's your girlfriend?" Jacob asked Edward who gave him a smirk.

"Cause she is, right Ma Reine?" Edward kisses my cheek.

"Yeah, Edward is my boyfriend why?" I asked Jacob and his eyes showed hurt before he looks away.

"Nothing, just curious. I better go now, the others might get worried. Bye, Flower." Jacob leaves and I waved goodbye. Max howls as a goodbye to Jacob who turns and waved giving me a fake smile before he enters his truck and left.

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