{17} Lani and Sese mate?

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Third Person POV


8 am in the morning

Lani was sleeping peacefully in her bed then suddenly there was a knock on the door,

"Breyanna!" Lani yelled sleepily

Breyanna groaned and turned to face Lani's bed and glared sleepily at Lani's head,

"What?!" Breyanna asked as she closes her eyes

"The door! Someone at the door," Lani whined

Breyanna rolled her hazel eyes at her sister/ best friend

Breyanna slowly got up from her bed and walked to the door, she opened it to have the scent of her mate invading her nose

Breyanna took a deep breath and looked up at her ex-mate who is looked down at her sadly

"Why are you here?" Breyanna asked

"We have more guests," Jacob says nervously because of the glare Breyanna was giving him

"What time?" Breyanna asked sleepily

"At 9 am Breyanna," Jacob says

If looks could kill, Jacob would be 12 under the ground, with the glare of Breyanna

Her eyes flashed red, Jacob stood there horrified by the view

"I-I be g-going," Jacob stammered as he literally ran down the hallway to his room,

Breyanna and slammed the door the noise which the door made, made Lani jumped up in alarm

"More guests," Breyanna spat out before walking to the bathroom

Lani nodded and sat up on her bed,

In Iona and Sese bedroom

"More guests," Iona growled as she recalled yesterday

Her skin crawl at the thought of it, she looked at her magical pet Calvin who is currently sleeping peacefully on her bed,

"Ugh! I will kill them because of my lack of sleep," Sese hissed as she walked to the bathroom Iona sighed in annoyance when there was a knock at the door, she walked up to the door and opened it

She looked up to see her ex-mate Ezekiel,

"What do you want?" Iona growled out the you

Ezekiel just stares at her looking at the beauty that was once his

"Goodmorning to you too," Ezekiel said as he tries to hide his sadness but failed terribly

"Why are-" Iona was cut off by Ezekiel pulling her into his muscular arms, her face rested on his chiseled chest

Both of them felt the shocks that erupted at the sudden hug,

His arms wrapped tightly around her small waist, he buried his face in her neck inhaling her scent greedily,

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