Chapter Eleven, Part Two - Monsters Within

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 I looked away, glowering, and did not answer.

            "The food – does it meet your approval?"

            I looked at the platters that were heaped with name brand cheeseburgers, small mountains of bacon strips, and l red boxes of steaming fries. There were glass dishes filled with assorted candy such as Skittles and Kit-Kats, and the pitchers all seemed to be filled with ambrosia or different flavors of Kool-Aid. Was this truly how she envisioned a normal, human diet? If I had been in a lesser mood, I might've actually appreciated the wit.

            "Sure, if I were five," I said in a dull tone, and met the Ice Queen's gaze again only to see that she was grinning again.

            "You have your mother's tongue," she said. "I like it – really, it's quite refreshing."

            Openly shocked, I felt my heart skip a few beats.

            "And just what do you know about my mother?"

            With a small, dainty sigh she plucked a cheeseburger from one of the piles and began to unwrap it with expert hands. When that was done she wrapped the paper into the ball and tossed it aside into the flames where it was consumed in a brief but audible roar, instantly vaporized. Tearing my eyes from the flames, I swallowed.

            "I knew a lot about your mother, dearie. In fact... I knew enough to love her. For instance, did you know that she was once the Queen of the Unseelie? I bet your friend, the Sorcerer, didn't tell you that!"

            "You're right, he didn't," I slowly agreed. "So she was Queen of this place, before you?"

            "Oh, well, the castle did look a little different," she said, twiddling her hands and looking around the place with a shrug. "I may have a tweaked a few things here and there and re-decorated a few rooms..."

            "You know, Westley doesn't tell me as much as you think," I said.

            "Of course he doesn't," she said with a secretive smile, leaning forward to place her elbows on either sides of her untouched dish, and placing her chin in her hands. "I figured as much. But my sister, the Knight, she figured it might be worth the trouble to ask you a few questions... and to see what you did know."

            "You sent her to kill me didn't you?" I said coldly, leaning back in my chair as I curled my lip into a snarl."

"Well, not intentionally, no," was her gentle reply. "I did not instruct her to cause you harm – that was her choice. Because we have laws, Tamsyn – and I'm afraid that by consorting with Westley, you've broken several."

"But that's not fair," I said, sitting up in anger. "I haven't even chosen a court yet –"

"You're still Fae," was her low, dangerous reply as her eyes suddenly flashed. "And you, as a Fae member, have broken several laws that are shared by both the Seelie and Unseelie. Which means, which ever Court you choose you could be facing charges. So it was within the Knight's right to punish you. Frankly, you're quite lucky she didn't succeed."

"Then why am I still alive? Why have you and the Forest King allowed me to live?"

"Oh dear – I hoped you would figure that out, because then that would mean you weren't as simple as the Humans... but it appears that isn't true –"

"Tell me,"

The Ice Queen sighed forlornly and dropped her hands into her lap.

"Because you're family,"

Stunned, like a deer caught in the snare of approaching head-lights, I could only stare at Titania. She passed me a small, pitying smile before picking up a golden fork and knife to cut into the burger upon her plate.

"How is this possible?" I demanded as she paused with the fork halfway to her mouth.

"Wellllll, Oberon is my brother... and your mother was our sister. And my Knight? She's our sister too."

Feeling an overwhelming sense of confusion and anger, I watched her finally take a bite. Titania closed her eyes, seeming to savor the food as she slowly chewed then swallowed.

"You're lying," I whispered.

"True, your powers may not work on me, Tamsyn, but I assure you this is no lie. These are all facts I have shared with you. Indeed, your mother was the Knight's sister and she acted out of justified vengeance. You, and Westley, deserve to die."

She blinked back at me with expectance, patiently (albeit enthusiastically) awaiting my reaction.

My mouth went dry as cotton.

"But... but that can't be true... Because Westley killed the Knight's sister. And my mother is dead... So that would mean..."

"Say it aloud," Titania said with a delicious, evil smile. "Go on, finally allow all those pesky pieces to fall together."

"Westley killed my mother,"

The very moment I said it aloud, I immediately wished I could make it untrue and take it back. No, it couldn't be. It just couldn't!

"Fifty years ago, your precious Westley – the man you defended with your own life – murdered your mother, Tierney, in cold blood and then stole you from the castle only to abandon you in the Human Realm. And in all the time you've spent together, he never thought to mention it. So tell me, is the Sorcerer still worthy of your trust."

I took several, deep angry breaths, hating her for her smugness.

"About as worthy as you, Titania," was my cold reply.

Daintily, the Ice Queen rose from her seat slightly to procure a pitcher of green Kool-Aid. I watched as she poured herself a glass and took a few small sips, staring intently back at me from over the rim.

"How awfully fair of you," was her eventual reply.

"If it's true – if he's really the on that cold her – then why did he do it? And why did he bother taking me from here? Why didn't he kill me too?"

Raising her glass to her lips, Titania batted her eyes and gave a careless shrug.

"I'm afraid– my clever little niece – that would be a question for the Sorcerer. He never had the decency to answer. He escaped before we could have his trial."

"And if you find him – what then? Will he still receive a fair trial?"

In response, Titania laughed and covered her mouth.

"Oh my – I see it. After everything you have heard and all that you have learned, still, you defend him. Well, my answer to you is this – no. He shall not receive a fair trial. He gave up such rights when he fled to the Human Realm. When he is captured, he will be executed... And so will you."

"And you would allow that?" I asked with astonishment. "You'd kill your sister's daughter?"

"Indubitably," was Titania's reply, with absolutely no hesitance. "You've abetted a murder – a man who slew a Fae Queen. And for that, you shall both pay with your lives. After Westley's found, of course. That should give you plenty of time to make your... arrangements."

Breathing hard, at first all I could seem to do was stare at her with even more disbelief.

"But... but you can't,"

"I can and I shall," she replied in a hardened voice. One that left with me no more room for more doubt. "Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"There's still time to redeem yourself and to save your life, Tamsyn. Show your family – your true, Fae family – the allegiance we deserve and give up the Sorcerer. Simply find a way to break the spell that shields him from me. Do this, and you shall be absolved. I swear it."

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