Chapter Fifteen, Part One - Tell Me, Does This Hurt Yet?

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Chapter Fifteen

Tell Me, Does This Hurt Yet?

With the light of the bonfire extinguished, it was much dimmer in the black gloom of the forest. Shaking with fear and anticipation, I reached beneath the neck of my shirt and pulled out Westley’s sapphire. Of course the Vampires wouldn’t need the light, but I did. Especially if they were planning to kill me in response for attacking Riley.

            The second I retrieved the necklace, a familiar blueness was cast about the place, mixing with darkness and the shadows.  Now, I could see (with relief) that Duncan and Juliette hadn’t moved a single step from their original positions. In fact, they seemed calm, perhaps even more so than before.

            Still lying helpless on the ground, Lana gave a small groan and began to stir, giving me enough reassurance of her health to slowly stand to my feet. Wearily did I gaze at the patient, unflinching couple.

            “Well, aren’t you supposed to kill me now?” I asked, glancing at their fallen friend. He was slumped, pathetically, at the base of a tree several yards away. I sincerely hoped I hadn’t killed him.

            “Please, he had it coming,” Juliette drily replied as Duncan’s mouth twitched into a grin. “Don’t worry – I can hear his heart. He’ll be sore in the morning, but he’ll live.”

            “You taught him a lesson he should’ve learned a long time ago,” Duncan assured.

            “And Lana? What about her?” I demanded. “Will she be ok?”

            “As ok as she was yesterday and the day before,” said Juliette quietly, with a look that strongly reminded me of pity. “Riley wasn’t lying when he made it sound like it was Lana’s choice. She chose to spy for him. And though I hate to say it, +it wasn’t her first time.”

            Lana stirred again and without looking I stepped away from her.

            “We know what you’re thinking,” Duncan said. “But we aren’t your enemies, and neither is Lana. It’s no secret how she feels about Riley – the stupid girl would die for him and he knows that so of course he used it against you and her.”

            “Why? Why go through all that trouble just to get to me? I told you – I’m not important –”

            I blinked and when I opened my eyes, Juliette was right in front of me. But I wasn’t afraid. By now, I had no more fear of her.

            “And again, another lie,” said Juliette, in a soft, gentle voice. “We know who you are. In the Otherworld you’re a Princess – which makes you very important here. Maybe you didn’t know this but once our descendants left the Otherworld most of us stopped calling ourselves Fae. Instead, we became Supernaturals. And the whole reason Supernaturals are in the Human Realms is to escape persecution –”

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