Chapter Seventeen

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The adults were so caught up in their own thoughts and worries that they didn't notice Isla. She was struggling to breathe. Isla grabbed at her chest before Grey noticed her stumbles. He knew something was not right and his wolf urged for him to go to her. Before anyone could blink, Isla was consumed by fire. This fire was different from the times before. This one raged an erratic blue and seemed to hurt her. Paxton's instincts told him to run to her, but Petra hyper sped and got in between them. "You will burn you idiot!" She cried trying to block him from going to Isla. "I don't care!" He screamed.

Isla screamed louder but the fire just rose. She fell to her knees shaking and burning, but thankfully nothing beside her burned. "Grey, you know only you can stop this," Otha spoke up. Every eye was on him and he hated it. 'Either you go or I will,' Riel threatened. Paxton could see his eyes change color and knew his wolf was fighting to get out. Grey made his way towards Isla and knelt in front of her.

He took a deep breath and grabbed a hold of her through the fire. Tallulah feared he would get hurt, but nothing on him burned. Even Kai couldn't believe his eyes as his son was now engulfed in the flame, but not burning. Grey stroked Isla's cheek in an attempt to get her to focus on him and not the pain. Being like this made Grey feel comfort beyond comparison. He cupped her face in his hand and gave her a small smile as she leaned into his hand. The fire began to recede and the mouths of everyone present hung open.

The scene that played out reminded Alaric of the many moments he and Lottie would have in their secret space. Fire was the power he could control, just like Grey could with Isla, and seeing the two just took him to another time and place. Niklaus watched on as the young wolf who clearly had feelings for his mate reluctantly pulled his hand away and helped her up.

Isla was still weak and fell into Grey's arms even after standing up fully. Grey held onto her waist to steady her, but there was a tight grip that almost seemed passionate. When Isla looked up as she suspected golden irises looked back at her. "Hello, love." Riel smiled. "Wait, so you do like her?" Petra asked confused. "Oh, I more than like her. I'm hopelessly in love with her and would mate her right here and now if I could." This declaration caused Isla to blush and a few throats to be cleared. "I'm so confused!" Petra exclaimed. "This is Riel," Isla said, holding herself up against him. "He's Grey's wolf."

"Can't Riel just mate with her then?" Madeline spoke up. "It doesn't work that way," Tallulah responded. "In this case, I wish it did, but Grey is the head of their dynamic. It has to be his decision." Isla looked up into Riel's sad eyes and sighed. She touched his face lovingly and wished even for a second that she could know what it felt like to feel his lips on hers. It was as if Riel could read her mind. He squeezed her hip gently before bringing his face closer to hers, but as Isla prepared to close her eyes golden irises faded to brown and the cold chill that always came with Grey was back with a vengeance.

Grey looked at Paxton as if to say 'come get your girl.' Paxton took Isla in his arms and kissed the side of her forehead gently. "It's going to be okay," he whispered to her as he rubbed circles in her back. "We're going to figure something out." Isla wanted to have hope like Paxton, but she knew there was nothing to be done. Grey only saw hate when he looked at her and because of that she was going to die.

"Is that all we were called out here for?" Grey asked with a note of irritation in his voice. "Grey!" Tallulah hissed at her son's rudeness. "Grey, I would urge you to really stop and thinking about your decision. This isn't something you want to do just to please your father or feed misguided notions of witches. This is your mate and if she dies so will a part of you." Otha reasoned. Grey nodded and made his way back towards the truck. He definitely needed to go for a run tonight. "Paxton, you and Petra take Isla home. I want to talk to the adults for a moment," Nina spoke. Paxton nodded as he picked up Isla in his arms and ran behind Petra who led the way.

"Something is coming," Otha whispered. "Something like what?" Nicklaus asked. "An orb's powers don't manifest until it is awakened. I did some digging on the massacre that occurred with your previous pack," Otha informed looking towards Kai and Tallulah. "Those witches were under the direction and control of Evan and Adrian Pavlov." The sound of Evan's name sent a chill down Nina's back. Everyone but the Lowes knew just how evil Evan Pavlov was and just how serious this situation was. "Who is Evan Pavlov?" Kai asked sensing the terror in the air.

"Evan Pavlov is the son of George Pavlov and Paxton and Petra's grandfather," Otha began. "George Pavlov began an insurgence against the leaders here in Ravenwood that lasted weeks until George's death and the escape of Evan and his two brothers." Nina sighed as she recalled the events of that time. "Evan's brothers, Elijah and Erik, did not follow in George's evil ways but Evan was his mini me. He had a son, Adrian – Petra and Paxton's father, who he raised to be as malicious and vile as he is. The two have teamed up in an attempt to spread a drug Adrian created that is allowing control of vampires in hopes to take over."

The news flooded all of them in waves. "They are the ones that ordered the massacre as a power move against your old Alpha. Your old Alpha was in league with Evan for some reason, but changed his mind last minute. This would not work for Adrian and Evan who then ordered the attack." The facial expressions mirrored one another as fear and confusion swarmed the air. Otha sighed heavily rustling the leaves on his branches. "I believe Adrian and Evan want to figure out a way to use this drug to control all supernatural creatures eventually and that may be why he was working with the Mount Hollow werewolves."

"How is this drug going to be capable of controlling more than just vampires?" Andersen asked, the stress of the various revelations from tonight taking their toll. "The drug is highly addictive and leaves partakers susceptible to mind control and compulsion, but with the help of the witches under his thumb I believe they are fashioning a new drug to control all." Otha informed. There was a long pause. "So, Evan and Adrian are building an army of junkies. Wonderful," Nicklaus sighed. "The spell to keep out evildoers still holds firm around Ravenswood, so we'll be safe." Nina took a deep breath and tried to shake the feeling of dread that was closing in on her.

"Kai, you need to see past your hatred for witches and get your son to mate with Isla. It may be our only hope for what is coming." Margot spoke up, worry laced in every word. Kai looked at her with an expression that was hard to read and began to walk back to the truck. The hearts and minds of everyone in attendance was heavy. As they all made their way to their vehicles, Nina couldn't help but fear what was surely on the horizon.

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