the part where Jason dies

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*Warning for explicit content*
Pain! Y'all being a girl is so painful oh my gosssshhhhh. Pain meds arent even working so I'm probs not going to school. Someone kill me.
And now to your featured presentation.

Leo's jokes were not funny, but even if they were Jason's mind was racing way too fast to focus on the gist of the pun. Jason couldn't stop thinking about how he was leaning in. For what? A kiss? Was he seriously trying to kiss his best friend? 

'No, that would be ridiculous. I'm completely straight.' Yet that slippery voice in the back of his mind whispered "But Leo looks so good all the time. Remember that time when you where laying in be-"

'No! I have to be rational about this.' Jason tried to regain control of his thoughts

"This is rational" The voice persuaded, "This is very rational. You cannot help yourself when such a fine specimen is so close for so long. Sharing many clothingless moments together. Many close encounters."

'Enough!' Jason voice echoed through his mind and the voice slithered back into the darkness of his recessive thoughts. The blonde used this opportunity to refocus on the person in front of him. No matter how corny his jokes are, Jason wouldn't trade this for the world.

"Okay what time is it time to go to the dentist?"

"Umm Never?"

"Tooth hurty!" Leo broke out in giggles and Jason grinned at the happiness expressed.

"Haha okay okay. Here's another. Why did the banana go to the doctor?"

"I have no idea."

"Guessss." Leo whined.

Jason pondered for a bit before guessing, "Because it was bruised?"

Leo grinned and all but shouted, "Cause it wasn't peeling well!!"

"Oh my gods. That one is awful!" Jason cringed causing Leo to laugh even harder. He could hardly tell the jokes anymore.

"Okay this one's good! What do you call two people in an ambulance?"

"Um wounded?"

Leo made a face before exclaiming,"A pair of medics!"

Jason made an 'O' with his mouth as the knowledge of the pun fully dawned on him. This made Leo burst into another fit of giggles. It was only moments before it became contagious and Jason began laughing too. By the end of all the jokes, both boys were lying on the bed in near tears, trying to catch their breath.

"Leo... you are *gasp* never... allowed *giggle* t-to make doctor jokes *gasp* a-a-again" Jason began laughing full out once more, but this time Leo watched, a wide smile stretched across his face and he briefly let out an occasional laugh. Leo liked when Jason was laughing. His stark blue eyes crinkled up at the corners and his perfectly straight teeth show off his dazzling smile, but what Leo found the most intriguing, possibly the greatest thing about Jason's laugh, was the how young he looked. A normally stoic, unreadable face that looks to be aged much more advanced than Jason's actual age, but when he laughs, Leo can see the years being taken off. He looks his age. He looks happy.

Leo was not very aware of how long he was watching the son of Zeus. He also was not aware that his hand had decided to move on it's own and had grasped onto the blonde's strong hand. It was not until Jason's eyes found his that he came back unto his own body and realization. He quickly made a move to pull his hand away, but Jason held on and interlocked their fingers. He smiled and rested his head on the pillow, closing his eyes. Leo stared, awestruck, before also resting his head.

"I can't tell if you're smiling or just being smug." Leo spoke after a short moment of silence. Jason peeked an eye open before flashing his pearly white teeth.

"Why don't you just get some rest and think more about it tomorrow." Jason snuggled in closer as he said this.

"Why should I keep thinking about this tomorrow?" Leo asked, debating whether to give in or keep pursuing the answer right now.

"Because I want you to keep thinking about me tomorrow."

Leo's face lit up with a bright red blush. He did not respond at first, not knowing what even to say in the first place. By the time Leo had come up with a response, he could hear the soft breathing of Jason and knew that he had fallen asleep.

Leaning closer, Leo brushed his lips against Jason's cheek before whispering "You're already on my mind 24/7." Closing his eyes and pulling away, Leo had to take a moment to remember what he had promised himself.

'I won't let anyone be hurt because of me. I'm sorry Jason, but you're Piper's. I won't come between you with my gross emotions. You guys will just have to be happy enough for me too.'

Post note. I got curious and looked up if Jason Grace really died (I didn't read any of Rick's series after HoO) and I am seriously distraught now and sobbing on the floor. He really fucking killed my boy. This is why I fucking stopped reading. And then I stumble upon another gem that informs me that Leo never got to see Jason again after he came back....... As if I wasn't crying enough already. I swear. .....No....please. I can't handle anymore people's death. I can't live in a world that Jason has died...

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