The Time has Come-Paranormal prompt (extended version)

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All of those who considered me a weirdo are about to eat their words unless they are bled dry before they reach me. Either way, I don't care, I have everything that I might need. As for them, well, it's their fault they lived their lives so utterly unprepared.

Since I can remember, I have always believed in things that others thought impossible, the otherworldly supernatural things. Now, the day has come for my foreknowledge and preparation to finally pay off.

Even my bad knee will not stop me from surviving what has come to fall upon the unsuspecting human race. After all, I have all I might ever need, and I know exactly what I should do. What more can I ask at a time like this?

As I walk towards my basement stockpile, two of my friends run into my house, barricading the door by moving all the furniture they can to jam it. Not that it would do any good against what lurks outside.

They are disheveled and covered in what seems to be fresh blood. Their eyes are surveying their surroundings wildly, afraid they might see those red eyes that have been the last thing for many to see.

Composed as I am, I just gesture for them to follow me as we head for the stash that they know I have. Honestly, I am not in the mood for their frantic questions and ignorant comments. That is why I am happy they can pick up on my mood despite being terrified.

After all, they are not here because they are worried about me, they are not like that. They came because I've told everyone about my secret stash. At the time they merely laughed at me, but there they are now, begging for help.

I even think about sending them off, but as it is that would be unnecessarily spiteful and plain murderous so I keep my mouth shut. The temptation is great but having spent my whole life trying to fight temptation I don't easily succumb to it, not anymore at least.

I go past the zombie emergency kit. Just between the nuclear disaster and killer birds kit is what I am seeking for, Vampiric Infestation Emergency Kit I bought from Major Thadeus Tinker. At the time, they thought I was wasting money, but I knew it would pay off eventually.

My friends start shuffling closer as I open the kit. That is when I realize the sounds behind me were not the same, they have changed. To my horror, I realize they've turned into growling.

Well, I guess they've already been bitten. It's unforgivable that I failed to notice. I should've checked. The first rule of survival; don't trust anyone. I'll be more careful in the future.

I grab the Holy Water and quickly splash them as they come closer to feed on my delicious blood. How do I know it's delicious? Everything about me is perfect, so why would my blood be an exception?

As they dash away from me, I throw some dried garlic at them for good measure to distract them long enough do what has to be done.

While they are screaming in pain, I use the end of my wooden stick to pierce their hearts, with two quick expert movements. My training for the end of the world scenarios has finally paid off.

As for my friends, it's too bad they had to die, but I can't say I didn't murmur 'I told you so' over their dead bodies. You might think it cruel, but we weren't best friends, after all.

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