Chapter 23

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Calvin's POV

"I think I know what the problem is," Doctor Ray says vaguely.

"Well spit it out," adding as an after thought, "...Please."

Doctor Ray slightly smiles at my 'polite' behavior. "You marked him, causing him to drain all his energy. Most people go to sleep right after being marked, but Miles shifted and ran around the territory."

Finally understanding where we went wrong, I nod my head.

"His body is worn out, lacking the energy it needs to function. He lost all that energy before and during the shift. His body has been running on almost nothing for the last few days, which can't be good for him," Doctor Ray finishes.

Realizing my mistake, I get teary eyed. This is my fault. I'm the one that marked him. I'm the reason he is laying here on the hospital bed, unconscious.

"How long is he going to be out? I just want my mate back and healthy," I say sadly.

"We can't tell. It may take a day or it may take weeks. However long until his body has enough energy to function," Doctor Ray informs, smiling sadly at me, feeling for his Luna.

Doctor Ray leaves and sends in the visitors.

Jason, Jessica, Amber, Tiffany, and Layla, all come in at once and look at Miles' unconscious body somberly.

All the girls are crying, and Jason is holding back tears. He wants to be strong for his mate.

They talk to him, like it's any other day and he was awake. I soon start crying at their kind words and how much they care for him. Their Luna, but also their friend.

Once they leave, Kevin and Layton come in. Kevin tries to lighten the mood, mentioning how the first time we heard Miles was when he was singing badly.

That got a small smile out of Layton, the man who never smiles. I smile with tears falling down my cheeks, thinking back to the day I met him.

I was surprised he was a boy, but I didn't care. The Moon Goddess paired him with me for a reason, and I now know that reason. He was paired with me so we could heal each other. We were both broken in our own ways, and being together healed us.

Kevin and Layton leave, after Layton says a small, "Please wake up." He rarely talks, and him speaking to encourage my mate means a lot.

Soon I'm all alone with Miles. I hold his hand tightly, trying to make sure he knows I'm here for him.

"Miles, I've said this before but I'll say it again. You have stolen my heart. With you away from me, my heart feels like it's half empty, like I'm missing a piece of me. My chest aches, I feel the pain in my bones. When you aren't beside me, I'm lost. You have saved me, from a life where I'm angry at everyone, where I snap at the littlest thing. You've made me a better Alpha, a better man. You've helped me be treat my pack better, helped me open up. You've helped me more than you will ever know. Thank you Miles," I rant, spilling my heart out to the unconscious Miles.

I put my head down on the bed, still holding Miles' hand. I try to get some sleep, never wanting to leave his side.

Miles' POV

I hear all the nice things everyone is saying to me, while I'm in this dark room with no escape. I drop to the floor sobbing when Calvin says his speech, sad I can't explain how much I love him.

Where am I? Is this where you go to die? I heard Doctor Ray say that I will wake up... Surely I can't be dead.

I see a light in the distance, slowly moving closer to me.

Out walks a beautiful woman, tall and regal. She has long white hair and pale skin, light moonlike freckles sitting upon her nose and cheeks. She's wearing a full body dress, flowing out at the bottom.

"Who are you?" I ask out of no where. My blurting of words hasn't changed since I've been unconscious.

"I'm the mother of all werewolves. I'm your true mother. The only one that matters," she says, having an air of mystery surrounding her.

Her pitch black eyes look at me like they are looking into my soul. They probably are.

I'm about to ask her a question, but then I see a boy step out from behind her. He has red hair and brown eyes, looking like someone I will never forget. He's just older than the last time I saw him.


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