Once A Cheater Always A Cheater - Part 5

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Hey guys :) I'm so glad that my story has been getting more views :) thank you to everyone who is reading it :)

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Jamie P.O.V


Sarah hugged me tightly, I didn't get that rush feeling and definitely did not feel sparks. While hugging Sarah, all I could think about was Nicky and how I wish she didn't reject my offer to go to Spain with her. Right then my mobile phone beeped, I looked at it and it said One New Message from Nicky. I smiled, I thought she wanted me back but it was just a message saying "How did you know I was going to Spain, out of every country?" . I replied back "You said you wanted to go their for our honeymoon...x".

So is this it? No more Nicky in my life and me being with someone I don't even love? I can't let Nicky get away, can I?...


It's been a year down the line now :)

so the babies are here :)


Sarah P.O.V


I dropped off baby Destiny at my mum's house for the night and drove back home. Jamie and I have finally moved in together. I walked in through the front door, I was shocked to see a lovely candlelit dinner for me by Jamie. Jamie held my hand gently and escorted me over to the chair, he pulled the chair out for me and like a gentlemen helped me into my seat. I smiled "Jamie, what is all this for?". Jamie looked at me with a massive grin and put his index finger over my lips softly and said "Shhh".

I smiled and whispered "Okay?". Jamie got down on one knee, I was so shocked but so excited "Oh my god, Jamie!". Jamie put his perfect smile on "Sarah, I know we had our ups and really really bad downs but can you see past all that and marry me?". I jumped up "Jamie, Of Course!". I hugged Jamie so tightly not wanting to let go.

I looked into Jamie's eyes "You have made me the most happiest girl in the world and trust me, you will be the happiest man in the world tonight", I laughed. Jamie gave me this odd smile, I couldn't be bothered to ask why because I AM GETTING MARRIED!. I ask Jamie while jumping for joy "Who do you want to tell first ?".


Jamie's P.O.V


I faked a smile "How about your mum? or bestfriend...". Sarah looked down and said "Jamie...I told you not to bring her up again". I laughed, trying to cover the fact that I still thought about Nicky "I was only joking, go on phone your mum darling". Sarah ran to the kitchen to get the house phone, I sat down and got my phone out.

I still had an old picture of Nicky on it, I looked at it and thought about how I am doing the right thing and how this is what Nicky wanted. I still wish she was here, I know that Sarah knows Nicky's number but won't give it to me. Sarah probably also knows whether I had a baby boy or girl. It still makes me get very upset every time I thought about my baby growing up without a father or with a man that's not his or her father.


Sarah P.O.V


"Mum, I'm engaged!" I said excitedly. My mum did not sound too thrilled about it, I tried to convince her "Look mum, me and Jamie haven't had the best past but now he has straightened up and is here for baby Destiny, so please give him a chance?". My mum just sighed and hanged up. I was so confused "Mum? Mum? Are you there?".

I don't know why but I found myself dialing in Nicky's phone number, I heard the phone ring and my heart started beating, I last phoned her 6 months ago. Nicky picked up and said "Hello?", It's like my mouth wouldn't say a word. I finally said something "H-hello, Nicky it's me U-uh Sarah". Nicky didn't sound that happy " Oh, what have you phoned for?". I quietly said "Well, me and Jamie are getting married and we would love it if you could make it".


Nicky's P.O.V


I couldn't believe it, she was phoning me to brag about her getting Jamie. "Look Sarah, are you just phoning to brag about it ?". Sarah replied slowly "No...I just wanted you to be here", I started laughing "What? you can handle me and Jamie being in the same room?". I got an odd reply and was shocked "Look Nicky, why should I be worried, he chose me over you". I burst out laughing "Wow! you really know how convince a girl, don't you?", I carried on "Thanks for the offer but darling I think it's better for you, not having me around to tempt your husband to be", I laughed "Don't want him to cheat again do you? You know I make him get hot"

Sarah started laughing "You always were a joker" and I replied "Darling, I'm not joking, I could have Jamie if I wanted, anytime", I continued "But why would I want a piece of trash for? I guess that's the difference between me and you, I don't take others left overs". Sarah went very quiet, there was an awkward silence between us and finally Sarah broke the silence "Please try and understand, I loved Jamie too and I still do...so please try and think about it and come to our wedding".

"Get this in your head love, I don't want to be in the same room as a backstabbing bitch like you and your big headed dick husband to be", Sarah just went silent, I finished it off "Look go marry each other, you both have so much in common. You are cheaters, backstabbers and think way too much of yourselves". I hanged up the phone, I couldn't take anymore of her whiny little voice, asking me if I wanted to go to her and Jamie's wedding. Bullshit !

I went upstairs with baby Damien and put him in his cot, I then got under the covers of my bed and gave it a better thought........should I go to their wedding or is it all going to turn into a disaster if I'm there? Is it a good thing if I mess it up? After all, she made my life a hell and what do they say? Pay  back is a bitch...

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